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  1. Iran was the last on the list for the greater Israel plan. I bet many Americans love to die for Israel. And when those American soldiers are dead their widows will be f*cked by another guy. Shalom…

  2. ????? ????????? ?? ???? ??????????? ?? ????????????? ????』? ???? ????????? ???????. ????? ???? ??? ????????????; ??? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ? ??? ??????????

  3. Rand Paul; blah blah blah blah blah….isolate…blah blah blah…isolate… blah blah blah blah…what my dad said, which was blah blah blah…Whenever Rand Paul has an original thought, will be his first. He's a nice moron.

  4. US bombed Iraq, and killed Iraqis. They attacked the US Embassy in revenge. US blames Iran ! Go home, you are not wanted anywhere in the world.

  5. Rand is right! This guy was like captain Persia for Iranians and they will not let it go easily unfortunately

  6. I say if they come after us we take out every airport and refinery in country and end it in one day. This is a country n

  7. There has never been any diplomatic success with Iran. They never keep their promises. They just see us as weak idiots and after listening to stupid dems no wonder.

  8. Sorry, 2 minutes and 30 seconds was all could take off that dolt. He says he has 35 years experience in diplomacy. But what I see projected is 6 months of experience, 70 times. The US is acting like a hot headed bully, who after the fact, realized they made a huge mistake, and now doesn』t want to experience the consequences. To say diplomacy opportunities with Iran are likely dead for at least generation is probably more likely. Besides, they already know that we don』t honor our obligations because on the US withdrawal from the nuclear agreement. The American Indians could chime in here and explain that far better than i could. I』m sure.

  9. Remember, our beloved POTUS also tweeted at the same time, "Iran has never won a war and they have never lost a negotiation."
    Don't get your skirts twisted, NeverTrumpers, Trump is about to win, again.

  10. Hey Iran. You can do it. Go ahead. We been wanting a piece of you for long long time. Please. I think you can take us. ?????

  11. How about Iran kills an American diplomat and then call for diplomacy.
    America has demonstrated they are not about any diplomacy but they want war.
    Sanctions are and act of war, because you are hoping to starve the country into submition.
    You shall reap what you sew

  12. What future US-Iran efforts? We broke our signed agreements with Iran, we just murdered their leaders, now, let's all pretend that we want peace!

  13. Hopeful Wishing on the ambassador part.. Is he talking about after/before or between the conflict. I got more information from the other guy than him.

  14. We just murdered their top general without a declaration of war. And this man talks about how we need to urge them to be diplomatic? How obtuse. I』m so disgusted with trump, our government and the media. I』m ashamed of what has happened to my country. Reagan made it okay to be proud to be American. Now… Please God. Peace on earth. Save us.

  15. America kills a full blown general and they're talking about diplomacy? it's like me killing someone very dear to you and immediately turn around and saying "calm down, don't be angry…let's talk this out"

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