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  1. McGown is a complete un-American slurp of stupidity. The thing that gets me is that these people actually believe that WE care what they think.

  2. Rose ? McGowan what ever your name is and who ever you r, shut the fuc k up. Iran has disrespected our flag many of times. They have killed americans. Attack our embassy.. They only know hate. So u and 52% who Apologized can move there and see how much you are welcomed

  3. People who live in glass houses shouldn』t throw stones. If she pulled her Twitter tirade in Iran 「Rose」would be sitting in a jail cell right now, or possibly something even worse. Remember to LOVE YOUR COUNTRY.

  4. America has given free money to the country』s that hate us. Wow how crazy is that. A dog that bites the hand that feeds them. America will bite back. We now have a warrior fr a President. Praise President Trump

  5. Don't expect anything from the Iraqi prime minister, he can't even itch his butt without consulting with the Maliishas.

  6. OH PLEASE Stop quoting that ridiculous woman. She knows NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING. "The Iranian Leadership needs to understand that we can crush them like a bug." ~Gen David Deptula
    Iran terrorists and the deep state and their fake stream news puppet media need to wake up. Trump is not going to negotiate with terrorists.

  7. Not starting a war but amped up security in America??? America just did a hit and run and now its pay back for iran!!! This sounds like trump and the Republican f**ked up!!

  8. All law abiding Americans should arm themselves. I agree with what Trump is doing, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have our heads on swivel. We have allowed too many legal and illegal immigrants into this country that do not fundamentally love this country and seek to do us harm.

  9. i just made a video a fresh one something something interesting as for generals ring the video is on my channel i just want to share that with everyone what i discovered

  10. What a Joke reading so many of the comments here…all these so-called Conservatives ragging on Leftist's stupidity, and rightly so as always, but than turn around and use the very same childish Leftist tactics against anyone who disagrees with this reckless action by Trump and his dirtbag neo-con administration who all hate him. Then of course there is Kushner who isn't just a neo-con, but a social Lefitst, but hay, it's all good right because even though Trump hasn't kept any of his promises and in some cases done the opposite, he sure Tweets great, doesn't he! I guess that's all that matters to these morons. I bet if Trump did the most stupid things Obama did exactly how Obama did them that would be just fine and dandy for them because it was Trump who did it. What delusional people! You aren't much better than the Left. I bet you all actually think Trump is building new wall where there wasn't any before don't you? LOL All talk and no action Trump…oh but if it's for Israel, than he's all action! Trump, the Israel first President, and now looks like we're gearing up for yet another war for Israel at the expenses of American blood. You fools!

  11. I am an IRANIAN. To all Americans who are happy today . You killed our hero by act of Terror not in the Frontline or in a real combat. You are coward and bastards. You will pay for this . Very soon.

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