
眾議院情報委員會成員Elise Stefanik對Soleimani因《狐狸與朋友》而去世作出反應。

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  1. This idiot killed Americans.
    And these a$$hats praise him?
    TODAY that should be arrested for treason.
    That have ALL lost their citizenship card!

  2. The media propaganda machine has gone too far. It has taken on a life force of it's own . All for ratings & manipulating public opinion. But now it has become lethal.

  3. What new low is next for the mainstream media? Now they are hero worshipping a ruthless butcher.
    A man that even murders his own people.
    Unofficially hated nationwide by the Iranian People.
    Officially loved nationwide by the socialist media.

  4. Stefanik is on to it – Chamberlain Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and his foreign policy of appeasement "Peace for our time" – did not work with Germany. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it..

  5. Imagine being a loved one of one of the troops that lost there lives in the hands of this monster general and you have to here US citizens reporters praising how great this monster general was its sad.

  6. I am so proud of Rep. Stefanik and all the level-headed, dedicated Conservative women who ran for office to defend our constitution, and to serve their constituents and the country!

  7. He is iconic and revered in his country and each of the broadcasters mentioned that. Fox just cut that part out to make it seem like the broadcasters were themselves lauding him.

  8. The democrats are weak on foreign policies. They should applaud our president and if they scare iran they should clear the way for the president to do his job with the Iranians president. I love president regan, president bush one and two, and our current president trump. These presidents are truly bravery leaders in Americans history.

  9. Why Fox are giving air minutes to liar fake news full of hate against american people like MSNBC? They are just disgusting, they will lie, and lie and lie and lie again..Wapo is the enemy of american people, Soleimani was not revered he was a murderer but Wapo is in full siding the enemies of american people…Despicable beyond any other consideration…

  10. The women of American can not do what president trump done or any darn Democrats..that a fact and truth a women would make a mockery out of this country.

  11. Our nation's enemies have embedded themselves in places designed to influence public opinion. They should not he accepted as simply stupid. They need to be addressed as deliberate enemies. Its we who are stupid if we accept that they are simply stupid… Many in the media today are modern day Tokyo Roses.

  12. Wow.there has got to be something done about the way the media slanders good and praises bad.reporting opinion and are able to twist the news to help their agenda.

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