
美國本周在巴格達的空襲殺害了伊朗最高軍事領導人卡西姆·索萊馬尼(Qassem Soleimani),這引起了法律問題。






75多年來,加拿大廣播公司一直是CBC新聞的來源,以使他們了解自己的社區,他們的國家和他們的世界。通過CBC電視台,CBC新聞網,CBC廣播電台,CBCNews.ca,移動和點播等多個平台上的區域和國家節目,CBC新聞及其國際知名的屢獲殊榮的記者團隊提供了突發新聞,分析和對加拿大人重要的性格。 。

  1. Military officer: We have Soleimani. What should we do?
    Trump: Salami?? I already had lunch..
    Military officer: No Soleimani the Iranian. Should we take him out?
    Trump: Did he terror us?
    Military officer: Yes..
    Trump: Will it be YUGE???
    Military officer: Oh yeah
    Trump: Tell him your FIRED Salami!!

  2. i found some interesting info and compared its on generals ring i just made a video just sharing something i think its something something on my chanel

  3. as the democrat said "right decision , wrong president" if any other president did this they would be behind him but cause its trump and people have TDS they cant support him o matter what good he does.

  4. Americans are sick of presidents buying our safety from evil Dictators around this world thus allowing them to build weapons of mass destruction from our tax dollars put them on notice , their behavior will no longer be tolerated ,

  5. Where is the proof of the imminent danger to the US. Hopefully he will release that evidence. Show the people that for once that this action was for The United States Of America and not for seeking a term like he claimed Obama would have done. SHAMEFUL AND DISGRACEFUL. PRAYERS TO ALL OUR TROOPS.

  6. CBC: Here's hoping something bad comes of this, and Iran is successful in striking the West, so we can have some kind of leverage against Trump.

    Long live the progressive march, and the continued federal funding of the CBC sweet life and the demise of the West.

  7. This is just cold-blooded murder.
    US deserves every punishment meted out by Iran.

    The dotard is wrong here. He will pay for his mistakes with the lives of his people.

  8. Iran kills Trump and tell the world it's for peace and Defence..believe me the world make a big party!!!amerika it's the biggest terror staate on earth!!

  9. Was the arrest of MENG WANZHOU legal? The US told Canada to arrest and extradite Meng based on charges that she had broken US sanctions on Iran — mind you, sanctions that are not recognized/followed by China and were ruled illegal by an EU court. Yet Canada keeps telling China that Canada was simply following the "laws". WHOSE laws?

  10. Qassem Soleimani has friends in strange places. I wonder why that is?
    Deep state puppets and their bought and paid for MSM propaganda agents are fans of Qassem Soleimani. It is nice when they standup and identify themselves for all to see.
    Killing US citizens and military personnel?

    Attacking the US embassy?
    Part of a plot to overthrow the Iraq government, like they did in Iran?
    Part of the coupe attempt, by the Globalists, in the USA?
    To draw attention away from the impeachment coup attempt that is failing miserably, or the American/Ukrainian corruption scandal, the coming declassification?
    Another failed attempt by the Globalist deepstate?

  11. Qassem Soleimani has friends in strange places. I wonder why that is?
    Deep state puppets and their bought and paid for MSM propaganda agents are fans of Qassem Soleimani. It is nice when they standup and identify themselves for all to see.
    Killing US citizens and military personnel?

    Attacking the US embassy?
    Part of a plot to overthrow the Iraq government, like they did in Iran?
    Part of the coupe attempt, by the Globalists, in the USA?
    To draw attention away from the impeachment coup attempt that is failing miserably, or the American/Ukrainian corruption scandal, the coming declassification?
    Another failed attempt by the Globalist deepstate?

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