



  1. anyone who goes on fox news and is against Trump in any way is always attacked on the show. Even fox employees who disagree with Trump on the show get suddenly attacked by the other fox hosts.

  2. @Iran… If you're listening The American people didn't ask for this, and that revenge you want… There's an orange ape defecating in the white house, could you do something about that please?

  3. I don't know how you do it so well Brian! You always hit the nail on the head about what's going on. Kudos! Hopefully some of those folks on the fence looking for the truth find your videos and take them to heart. (Ps how the heck do you say your speech for your videos so quickly and precisely without looking or sounding like you are reading cue cards?!)

  4. I don't know how you do it so well Brian! You always hit the nail on the head about what's going on. Kudos! Hopefully some of those folks on the fence looking for the truth find your videos and take them to heart. (Ps how the heck do you say your speech for your videos so quickly and precisely without looking or sounding like you are reading cue cards?!)

  5. I guess the trump kids are off to the bone spur doctor too in order to avoid fighting for their country like their lying cheating father

  6. The fact that he's been a liar his whole career, why would you glorify him when he's shambled ass-backwards into a semi reasonable position? For me, as a subscriber, this is a tight rope issue; You're teetering on useful information and sensationalism.

  7. Ha! It's Quite Enough from Trump Lies Every move he makes will have Equinonic Domino effect There's 3% Rise in Gasoline it's his Fault is just Playing Stupid by his end doing this It's Extremely Idiotic His Promise put end Endless Wars it was a Flat Lie I knew it from the Start People Realize this Now GOP Gone war Hungry that Includes one Republican Hungry for it Lindsey Graham Stop this War Hungry Idiots get rid of them as for Fox News Block them Permanently

  8. Trash him all you want
    Dumpster doesn't listen to anyone
    He's a megalomaniac
    He's also a Moron which makes it so much worse

  9. Killmead is a complete joke- can』t fight weapons of mass destruction/ because there was none- so many on both sides have died and so much money for a false

  10. The only person 'Thats Sinister' is the mouthpiece that does everything he says about everyone else… pure hypocrisy!

  11. There is a theory that says this was a deal between US and Iran to trade John Bolton with Soleimani,which was predicted 4 months ago Soleimani was getting too powerful for Iranian government, he could have done coup to bring down supreme leader, in others hand Trump needed this delay his impeachment and to win the reelection.

  12. What is the USA doing in Irak since 2003? The USA is responsible for setting peace everywhere ? Where are the nuclear missiles? Where is the enriched uranium ? How many Iraqis has died since USA is in Iraq how many civilians, kids, elders, mothers???????

  13. Any one has their right to their opinion. But fortunately they are not the president. And are not in the war rooms..so to make claims that they didn't have correct information is dumb. So if Geraldo saw the Intel of acctual future attacks planned. What would he say then. Well again he doesn't have the information so to talk about this negatively is a ignorant case to make. Thank to our president and our military for making tuff calls. And yes a monster is gone. This American is grateful and saw many of the Iran citizens cheering and thanking president trump as well.

  14. Trumps predictions are ultimately about himself! People need to checkout what else he might do, check his predictions, so we aren』t caught so unaware.

  15. Obama started a war to get re-elected. Trump starting a war so he can keep running from impeachment, help him get re-elected, and avoid all those investigations against him. Man, what people will do at the cost of others.

  16. There would not have been any threat at all if he』d just left Obama』s Iran agreement alone. Trump started this thing and then is amazed that Iran gets upset.

  17. Brian, you are one of the brightest and astute young people of our time. You are on point about the politics and absence of sound ethics in our society.

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