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  1. it's been proven from ancient history and until now, western mentality is zero-sum one-take-all master-slave. these guys just will start wars when their standing and prosperity is threatened

  2. New York Times -> they're such a joke. Just some globalists speaking a bunch of gobbledygook. The Chinese guy was a little more logical stating "his" side. He was wrong that China is not an enemy, and shouldn't be treated like one…but he was wrong. From their view, we (US) are their enemy, and have shown it time after time.

  3. 2 0:43 ?????????????????????????????????

    Thank goodness for Youtube. I keep coming back to this interview. Tian Wei is putting him on the hotseat.

    and the above, — '20:43' is the highlight of the interview.???????????????????

  4. For an award-winning author, I would expect more………WAY MORE. He sounds like a POLITICIAN, speaking in generalities………..when, IN TRUTH, The US is and has been an agressive entity for hundreds of years……….and 2019 / 20 is no different.

    The US HAS NOT approaced China as a friend or with compromise. The US wants to CONTROL everything about the relationship.
    He says, "both sides" but it's not China that has been trying to strong arm the West. China has been extending the Olive Branch only for it to be slapped away.

    Again, Tian Wei is attempting to stress the highly volitile and frought nature of the situation but this guy keeps trying to lay blame on both sides, equally, which IS NOT a fair accessment of the reality.

    I love how Tian Wei immediately caught the reference that he was making at 08:32. THIS IS GREAT JOURNALISM.
    Very shrewd and sharp-minded. She catches EVERY minutia, every little thing,….nothing gets past her.

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