Qassem Suleimani:據報道,伊朗將軍因美軍罷工而喪生

伊拉克電視頻道Ahad TV分享了央視的錄像,旨在顯示美國無人駕駛飛機襲擊殺死伊朗最高將領Qassem Suleimani的那一刻
Qassem Suleimani:在巴格達葬禮上高喊「去美國死」。

  1. Suleimani's timely end is as much a wake up call for Governor Blackface as it is for the Iranian Mullah's, as well as totalitarian psychopaths all over the planet. If not now, when? WWG1WGA

  2. America, please dont cry like a baby when your police starts using the same tactics across America against anyone they see as a threat.

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