
大西洋理事會「伊朗未來」倡議的主任,新聞記者和伊朗專家芭芭拉·斯拉文(Barbara Slavin)參加了「今日早晨:星期六」的哥倫比亞廣播公司,討論特朗普總統下令對伊朗將軍卡西姆·索萊馬尼進行空襲的決定的影響,美國人

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每個工作日早晨,「 CBS今晨」聯合主持人蓋爾·金,安東尼·梅森和托尼·多庫皮爾提供兩個小時的原始報道,突發新聞和頂級新聞製作人採訪,內容豐富,內容豐富,這對網路早間新聞節目的規範構成了挑戰。 。該廣播獲得了聲望很高的皮博迪獎,波爾克獎,四個新聞與紀錄片艾美獎,三個白天艾美獎以及2017年愛德華·R·默羅最佳新聞廣播獎。該廣播還獲得了Alfred I.DuPont-Columbia獎,這是CBS新聞部門在康涅狄格州紐敦的Sandy Hook小學拍攝的槍擊事件的一部分。在本地列表中查看「 CBS今天早上」的廣播時間。 。

  1. These Idiot Lying Fake News Journalists will Do or Say ANYTHING …to Try and Discredit The President…So they can Sway the Election …Iran has been attacking USA Interests for Many Years and FINALLY we Have a President that Stood Up to It

  2. Lol america says this video is crap. Division creating socialists will soon realize a truth. Action speaks LOUD. Get ready. 😉

  3. Ah yes, a member of the Atlantic Council telling us how she feels… fun facts about the Atlantic Council… it is independent from the US, was founded after WW2, and in 2018 the top donators were hmmmm…. FACEBOOK AND BRITAIN….

    This woman is a glorified facebook rep, with big banks in her pocket…

    Disgusting 「Expert」 opinion from a lady who will be out of the job when Iran is wiped off the map… she is literally defending her job here, and so so much more.

  4. Ive never heard more nonsense in my entire life, we stopped a man that was killing and was planning on killing more americans, why wouldnt you stop someone like this…. Oh thats right obama didnt have the balls and we finally have a president that wont let that happen TRUMP2020

  5. All I heard was we should just finish the job and cut the head off the snake ! The people in the middle East have been killing each other for centuries before America was even formed ! But there is a saying about "don't poke the bear" ! That may apply here !

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