
1月1日-香港開始了2020年的抗議,故意破壞和催淚彈。在成千上萬的和平抗議者湧入街頭後,警察和示威者在元旦和深夜進行了戰鬥。彭博社的斯蒂芬·恩格爾(Stephen Engle)報道了「彭博社的黎明:亞洲」。

  1. I support the HK protesters,but I don』t like the vandalism of the lions,but still keep in fighting every witch way!,no communist dictatorship lasts forever!

  2. People just want to be free!…Soon ALL teaching curriculum will come from Beijing and we all know what that means! GAOKAO! Teach student WHAT to think, not HOW to think! Is it any wonder why Taiwan is not buying in to the GREAT CCP LIE?

  3. These protests were bad faith from the get-go. They protected a murderer in order to keep China and Hong Kong from having an extradition agreement. Who does that? After they dropped the extradition agreement they let the murderer go and decided that now was a good time to press the fight for additional grievances. Again not a smart thing to do. Only a truly awful protest leadership would overreach after they got what they wanted. What isn't mentioned behind the scenes is how many businesses are shutting down and moving to the mainland, Shenzhen is receiving the bulk of these companies as is Guangzhou and several neighboring cities in the region. The current Wall Street Journal estimate is that the businesses that have been holding out and hoping Hong Kong quits the protesting only have about 6 more months at the rate the economy is collapsing.

  4. Nothing but looking at fireworks go out as the many people holding sign just walking down the streets while I look out the windows,

    A great way to start the year

  5. These protesters aren't freedom fighters, they're vandals and terrorists! They're literally destroying the beautiful city I grew up in. Public transports are being destroyed, businesses being vandalized, and even innocent people being burned and seriously injured. This will be Hong Kong's downfall

  6. a touching rally where hundred thousands of regular HK citizens who are annoyed of the daily riots gathered to voice against protester's violence, just happened last month. In fact in August, 470 thousand HKers rallied to support the police. That really shows the regular HK citizen is frustrated with the protesters, they want their voices heard but western media never broadcasts them because it's not the narrative which most viewers want to hear.

  7. mainland communist china dictators--GET OUT OF HONG KONG FOREVER…you do NOT control the entire eastern asia area.. all financial business can still be moved to Singapore just like was originally discussed…mainland communist china dictators will LOSE in this dispute..Hong Kong is supposed to be a free state abide by your agreement cheaters.

  8. 中國副總理韓正 .. 看見未 … 誰亂「港 」.. (abc 123 – 如果有人叫一些兄弟去香港做壞事,那是不是太爽了,以前我都沒發現這個漏洞。)
    中國副總理韓正大聲 ..大聲 支持林鄭月娥班貪官打殘香港, 沒能力掌管香港事務,
    就套用.. 知而不理 .. 的最最最差管理學 ? 亂翕大讚求求其其說支持 ! 喂 … 香港大亂, 巿民被打被傷受冤受害, 林鄭月娥功德在何處 ? 大示威 … 應是1997年回歸時出現, 何解在 2014 和 2019 年發生 ?
    香港人支持中國 , 但回歸22年, 治理香港就是這班貪官/籐瓜族 , 弄至香港貪腐橫行 ,  無法無天 ! " 止暴制亂 " , 真搞笑 — 神又係貪官, 鬼又係貪官, 大搞特搞, 保貪權 !
    數年一鑊搞屎搞棍亂香港 , 2014 佔中後, 梁振英/籐瓜族 – 貪腐更上一層,
    目無法紀 , 億億聲 … 大貪特貪 . 大陸支持的反骨仔 <林鄭月娥,曾任權,梁振英,董建華 …民建聯 , 工聯會, 愛國愛港 輩>
    齊齊搵食 …弄至香港瓣瓣死 , 民生死 … 教育死 … 經濟死 … 法制死 ! 不能維護香港,中聯辦 , 港澳辦 ,不能維護香港,完全違背國策, 鄧小平老先生對港人承諾 !
    香港人要緝拿中聯辦 , 港澳辦 , 張曉明, 王志文弄致香港大亂 . 香港新一代不能再被打殘 ! < 香港人一定要支持埋身肉搏打香港貪官 >2017 年 香港行政長官選舉 – 公認合法侯選人: 黃文康  (simon wong)香港人要公審貪腐工程, 貪官/籐瓜族 – 自定超高建造費 << 瓜分香港公帑 >> .
    香港人 要向中央追回 << 萬億 >> 貪腐基建公帑 …
    瑞士 全球最長/最深的鐵路隧道 – 16 億 (1 公里) …
    香港 將軍澳 – 藍田隧道 3.8公里 , 造價 151 億      – 39 億 (1 公里) …

  9. kk aw –  喂 .  提議廣東省回水 1,000 億 , 港人不買東江水 啦 ! 回水 1,000 億 !  喂一定要建此功德 ! 香港有水塘, 2019-Oct , 香港用  77 億 建海水化淡廠 (我造35 億 , ( 1,000 億 造 28個化淡廠,  賺到笑 ) . 不清不楚香港實況, 整日講香港乜乜七七 .

    中國建築 < 鉛水事件貪污案  > 公帑大花, 獨立調查後, 又當無事發生 !
    貪官/籐瓜族 借題奪公帑 ! 愛港愛國   ??….還是…殘港…亂港…!!回歸 22 年, 治理香港就是這班貪官/籐瓜族 , 弄至香港貪腐橫行 , 無法無天 ! 前人大議員吳亮星問適量鉛會否助 – 延壽….香港立法會議員 – 合謀貪污….. 花了大量公帑調查, 做場戲 , 案件不了了之 . 又當無事 .還嘻哈說這無恥言論 – 大玩市民…..哈佛專家 ….血鉛會令兒童智力下降,影響發育…..美國鉛水事件3人被起訴 – 為首批面對刑責官員….
    2016-04-21….香港人要公審貪腐工程, 貪官/籐瓜族 – 自定超高建造費 << 瓜分香港公帑 >> .
    香港人 要向中央追回 << 萬億 >> 貪腐基建公帑 …
    瑞士 全球最長/最深的鐵路隧道 – 16 億 (1 公里) …
    香港 將軍澳 – 藍田隧道 3.8公里 , 造價 151 億      – 39 億 (1 公里) …

  10. on that jan 1st march. police terminated the peaceful march and order 1 million+ people to clear the street in 30 minutes! then police round up 400 innocent people, women and children, passerby, and arrested them for 48 hours in dire conditions.

  11. If most of your people are protesting and marching the government should do something about their people. Obviously china already bought all of hong kongs politicians so its too late for them.

  12. I seriously doubt Carrie Lâm is capable of doing what needs to be done. She needs to stop being a weak and incompetent clueless leader (which I doubt she is capable of).
    She (or someone else more capable of doing what needs to be done) to make a public announcement video that plays all day stating:
    Hong Kong will no longer tolerate or accept anymore rioting, violence, destruction, or assaults on the public or police.
    The police need to be ordered to shoot anyone rioting, destroying property, setting fires, vandalizing, assaulting, throwing objects, or disrupting society in anyway.
    Starting Jan.1, 2020 police will and need to shoot anyone rioting.
    The fun of rioting has come to its end, there will now be serious consequences: 6 months of prison and $10.000 USD fine.
    Risk of getting shot and suffering serious injury or death.
    Parents if you do not want your teenage children to be shot, seriously injured or possibly killed or arrested and sentenced to 6 months minimum in prison and you fined $5000-$10,000 USD then you need discipline your children to obey HK laws.
    The order to the police to do their ordered job are now in place and any police officer not doing their job will be fired.
    The fun and excitement of rioting, violence and destruction is over.
    Riot at your own risk of death

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