伊朗過去暗示對美國利益的潛在威脅范​​圍| Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

雷切爾·馬多(Rachel Maddow)著眼於過去伊朗如何表達對美國和美國利益的侵略,以此來框定美國人對唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)所引發的新威脅的期望,其中至少包括廣泛的網路能力。於01/03/20播出。

MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow Show,《早晨喬》,《每日見面》,與Ari Melber的節拍,《 Deadline:White House with Nicolle Wallace》,《 Hardball》,《 All In,Last Word》,《 11th Hour》等影片中查找視頻片段和片段。


伊朗過去曾暗示可能對美國利益構成威脅Rachel Maddow | MSNBC。

  1. Why is there US military bases all across the middle east and no Middle eastern military bases across the United States? Except for Israel and their 2 military bases in Wall Street, New York and White house, Washington DC.

  2. Not being a US citizen is a bit of a relief at this point, but only a bit – Trump's lunatic shenanigans might engulf the entire world before all is said and done.

  3. Was this disgusting Butch saying what are we going to do when oboma/islama did a record-breaking amount of drone strikes in the middle East and all the consequences this is going to cause us how we going to handle this now??????????? absolutely NOT, talk about massively hypocritical but then again can't expect much from a bush that is confused about her own lifestyle and being on one of the absolute Worst News Network programs in the nation!

  4. those former U.S. officials that are being quoted were the Obama cab. members. How could they criticize anything after punting this issue for so long.

  5. I pray for our troops this is not a video game Iran is not Iraq they have a powerful military and they are capable also they are allies with Russia this is not pretty I pray for America this will be a Fierce War

  6. Congress must act immediately to prevent further damage by Trump and his enablers.
    This is the result of congressional non action.
    All this to distract from impeachment.

  7. all the bs is not going to stop those American solider from dying and for what hopefully those family will have back-up sons and daughter cause those soldiers will be lost

  8. So we are attacked in our embassy, A US citizen is killed, six more wounded and we are to, 「oh well」. What makes that murderer』s life worth more than an American』s?

  9. The failure of the media to call out the congress, which allowed Trump the AUMF that Bush used to invade and conduct military operations without approval is key to this escalation we have today. While Maddow, boosted her ratings misleading half her audience with unproven Russia-nonsense; the true war-mongers in Washington D.C. went under the radar plotting their long awaited unprovoked war with Iran.

  10. Trump, Pompeo, Esper–an axis of evil the world has not seen since Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld. It isn't bad enough that Trump has been IMPEACHED–now he has become a WAR MONGER thanks to the GOP Castrati and other Trump-turds who voted for him. Prepare for Armageddon.

  11. Do you really think she believes anything she says, or is it just an act? She just moves for Fake news and lies to another. Has anything she said been true..

  12. Please make your video clips longer. These 1 min to less than 5 min clips are frustrating. Rachael has a lot to say but all you show are snippets. What's with this social media strategy.

  13. Iran, you could argue, has brought this on itself – but they didn't break with the "Iran Nuclear Deal" – the US did – Donald Trump made the first move by withdrawing in 2018 after the US signed the agreement in 2015 – 7 of the 8 participating members are still party to the agreement and most of them US allies – The US withdrew unilaterally, then heaped pressure and additional sanctions on to Iran, saying that it would bring them back to the table – that never happened. So why would the US think that this will do anything other than escalate the situation. Pompeo's already critical of US allies, UK, France and Germany, while praising support from Israel and the Saudis – lets' hope they know what they're doing – but don't you just know that this is the "last straw" Trump distraction – one that may just split the Republicans.

  14. Does Trump not realize that he will not be president forever ? Did he not realize that the safety of his family would always be a target from the Iranian's that play a long game? I agree with one Iranian leader. FOOLISH is the word.

  15. how did the press not see this coming? This is not the first phase! From George Bush Senior to George Bush Junior why wouldn』t you look at this As America surrounding Iran

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