伊朗和美國可以開戰嗎? |內幕

伊朗最高領導人阿亞圖拉·阿里·哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)警告說,這將是「嚴厲的報復」。

德黑蘭大學政治學教授Hamed Mousavi。
歐洲外交關係委員會中東和北非計劃副主任Ellie Geranmayeh。
多哈研究所阿拉伯研究和政策研究中心政策分析主任Marwan Kabalan。


#AlJazeeraEnglish #QassamSoleimani#伊朗。

  1. Let Iran and US sign a declaration of war to end all atrocities. Iran is doing the wars abroad, this time bring the war to Iran.

  2. There wouldn't be a war. Iran wouldn't last one week. Wouldn't even need to fight. Iran has no comparable naval fleet, airforce, economic influence or bases to compete with the us. Naval blockade and air control of the country along with sanctions with the demand that they will stop if the government steps down will have the people turn on their own government. You think people will remain normal if their supplies are cut off. Wars aren't one by troops anymore they are won by attrition, economics, logistics and air/ sea control. How good is a standing army and tanks against missiles or how about that army with nothing to transport them?

  3. There will be a full out war, and it will finish with Persia ( Iran since 1936 ) being made "…desolate, uninhabited by man or beast…" as it was written by God's Prophets, many years ago.
    It is actually the end of the Persian Empire the Prophets were writing about, caused by their hate for God's People.
    And only nuclear radiation makes any area uninhabitable by any form of life.
    We are watching God's Will being fulfilled.
    It's true.

  4. To all freedom-loving Persians everywhere, Now is the time to rise up and throw off your oppressive government. Together we can restore your country to a strong and welcomed member of the free world of nations. We will help you. Fight the power

  5. People don't want a war.
    Many people are proud of what they are
    That is why selfishnes and revenge look for a way to make ""america pay""
    This will bring without no doubt more pain that it will ease it.

  6. Here we go again. One wrong move it will escalate into another "war on terrorism". Seriously we need to those politician to transfer in another planet and let them fight there.

  7. Iran does not have the capabilities for an all out conventional war with the U.S. but will conduct small operation with the help of its proxies across the middle-east for sure but a miscalculation by the Mullahs will give Trump all the excuse to take out the regime once and for all

  8. Everything what』s happening we know 2000 years ago,it』s all on the book,bad days are coming it』s all in the book,nothing new,for all the people that are reading a lot of religion books should know what I』m talking about,it』s time for him to show up,after that we will eat with golden spoon for long time.

  9. Qassam Soleimani stopped smoking this morning!! 🙂 Like they say in Texas,if you Mess with the Bull you get the Horns!!! Moral of the Story,dont Mess with the Bull!

  10. Any further violence from the Salami people will result in 52 Hot Peppers on Salami Land. Will they beg for the Hot Tamale for the Whole Enchilada?

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