
更多:在昨晚的《以斯拉黎凡特秀》中,我們看了2019年香港民主抗議活動的要點,包括本報記者基恩·貝克特(Kean Bexte)在香港發現一張奇怪的SIM卡時發生的事件。他的旅館房間。





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  1. It is the liberal Globalist who are engineering and financing the protesters, especially the most violent ones. Human rights and democracy means chaos and unlawfulness in Target countries.

  2. Good luck trying to get that SIM card out now brother. Never volunteer information until you're in the clear.
    They will be looking for it at the airport.

  3. Most Hong Kong people were refugees and stole away from Mainland China to British Colonial Hong Kong fleeing all the political turmoils and hardships that existed since Mao came to power in 1949 with no less than 2 million fleeing the aftermath of the so called Great Leap Forward better known as The Great Hunger , over 40 million people starved to death the the commie totally censored everything just as to what they did by silencing the 2 millions chinese untrained soldiers sent to North Korea fighting the Korean War against the American.The Chinese did all the fighting rather than the Kim's family !

  4. If Mainland China wanted to deploy their PLA to Hong Kong , the could have done it long ago.Hong Kong can only getting stronger and stronger in protest against the tyranny regime who kidnapped China for 70 years.The chinese communist government was founded on violence and intolerance.The came to power is very simply because they are rid of their most deadly Nationalist Party the KMT and not voted by the will of the people starting October 1,1949.

  5. Be careful rebel. You have 「creepers」 they are obviously from Trudeaus operations division. They enter your property and in most cases you wouldn』t even know. The simcard could be linked to pedophillia or anything. In some cases they can upload files onto your equipment in your motel room while you are out. I was involved in an incident in 2006 in Kota Kinabalu. I kept getting hassled by street walkers outside the hotel asking if i needed company while a police officer stood literally 10 metres away. When I got back to the room i got suspicious and turned the lights off. I grabbed a toilet roll and a torch and walked briskly to the mirror in the main room. I placed the toilet roll against the mirror and held the lit torch up to the mirror. I looked through the toilet roll and there was a video camera on a tripod. I then thought i saw someone open and leave through a door. I immediately grabbed my service pistol and left the room into the hallway to discover that the room was next to a locked door that said fire escape. Needless to say i was outta there in less than 5 minutes.

  6. Hong Kong loved it under British Colonialism….in fact it's juxtaposition with China is a very good example of British Colonialism vs. what a country would become without it………..just witness Canada with Trudeau for example. Ahem.

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