德克斯特·菲爾金斯(Dexter Filkins):伊朗將因美國殺害索萊馬尼(Soleimani)而報復全部MSNBC


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德克斯特·菲爾金斯(Dexter Filkins):伊朗將因美國殺害索萊馬尼(Soleimani)而報復全部MSNBC。

  1. No mention of the US support of Saddam and Iraq in their war against Iran from 1980 to 1988. The US gave Saddam and Iraq several billion dollars' worth of economic aid, the sale of dual-use technology, non-U.S. origin weaponry, military intelligence, special operations training, and chemical weapons. Hundred of thousands Iranian soldiers died in the conflict, many from horrific injuries from Iraqi chemical weapon attacks; chemical weapons that were supplied by the US.

  2. Trump is determined he is going to start a full scale war. He put on extreme economic sanctions, set it up to look like they attacked ship, sent drone repeatedly into their air space until the shot it down, and now lied and said Soliemani had to be stopped because of "imminent threat". The Pentagon has already refuted that claim and reported "there was no change in Soliemani's activities. He was not planning to attack any Americans". Now, Trump has tweeted he has 52 targeted sites if they retaliate. His past behavior is of a "child" who refuses to acknowledge any one else's contribution or input! We have to assume that Trump has every intention of hitting everyone of those 52 targets WITHOUT Congressional approval for any of the hits! Trump wants a war for several different reasons. And, of course, the biggest one is OIL!

  3. So we are attacked in our embassy, A US citizen is killed, six more wounded and we are to, 「oh well」. What makes that murderer』s life worth more than an American』s?

  4. Wow, we are talking about one man. Don't see a lot coming from it. They know what will happen. Believe me, they don't want us to start bombing them

  5. What next, guys? Fly the Iranian flag outside of your home? Soleimani On the 5 dollar bill? Why not tell the truth about Soleimani and the part he』d played for over 2 decades in destabilizing the Middle East. Also would like to know what he was doing in Iraq? Vacation???

  6. If they do, Trump just told all he's taking out 52 targets in memory of Iranian hostage crisis.
    Never forget folks.
    I support Trump on this one.

  7. I guarantee the U.S. military has an airtight dragnet over Iran. Not one communication goes unchecked, not one movement goes unnoticed and not even so much as a Starling takes flight out of iranian airspace without being tracked and targeted. How's it feel to live in a remote controlled box Khamenei?

  8. Unfortunately Iran will retaliate ( guaranteed) now that Trump has killed the general. The stable genius committed an act of great stupidity.

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