

極光大麻(ACB),大麻市場3.0,前5名股票精選,iAnthus Capital(IAN),Canna-V-Cell(CNVC),中美貿易戰停火






新聞市場更新,股票,股票,今天的市場,股票市場,今天的股票市場,2019年要投資的股票,最佳股票,美國經濟,加拿大,金融教育,投資,牛市,牛市,觀點,股票市場新聞,股票圖表錢,sp500,貿易,新聞,我們的新聞,商業新聞,新聞頻道,極光大麻,acb,acb股票,大麻3.0,排名前5位的股票,花capital資本,ian,ian股票,canna v cell,cnvc,cnvc股票,貿易戰,我們中國貿易戰,停火。

  1. Happy New Year Gilbert.i really enjoy your videos. I am a mainly a pot investor but have recently come across a company that is developing a product for baby』s. The name of the company is Else Nutritional Holdings Inc. on the TSX BABY . I did not know that baby food is just about totally dairy based, This company has developed a plant based formula for toddlers. They have receiver favourable approval from the U.S. fda and plans to launch in the U.S. in quarter 2 2020. They also plan to go
    Global in the near future, this sounds a lot like the beyond meat stock so I was wondering what you think.

  2. Gibbs! WTF ? Stop bigging up ACB man. The company is dirt! Your views are gonna come back and bite your butt. The company is gonna go to Zero. Nelson Peltz sucks at what he does! That』s why Pepsi didn』t listen to his ass. People don』t be fooled about great ACB is. Terry booth should of found a partner by now but he was fucking greedy so now his company is going to pay and the people who invested in this shit company.

  3. Planet 13 has held up better then anybody through this. I think the reason is they are very transparent and following all rules and regulations to a tee. Thanks Gilbert.

  4. you know something I like about planet 13, videos keep coming out showing me what my money is doing. This one just came out dec 23rd. OFFICIAL TOUR OF PLANET 13 WITH JOSE CONSECO

  5. You know Gilbert I was just looking at Neptune iAnthus and Planet 13
    I'm losing my ass on Neptune, they make Oil
    iAnthus is struggling, they make Oil right
    Planet 13 should be just finishing up their Oil production facilities.
    So I'm thinking Planet 13 by producing it's own product will be cutting demand from companies like Neptune and iAnthus. LOL you want to keep your iAnthus and I can't wait for the chance to dump my Neptune. Tilray is on the rise so I might get to dump it soon.

  6. I'm sick I missed a 350% gain in AXSM
    But my Planet 13 is doing very good considering all the construction.
    My Aurora has lost 75% of it's value. Glad I sold half of it last April
    Happy New Year Gil

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