









Snarky Guy-中國的影片(來自他的頻道的教育片段)

對於世界各地的摩托車冒險活動,兩個輪子的脫口秀節目在每周一EST EST / PST 10 AM到ADVChina


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  1. As usual, the old idiot politicians are going to destroy the country and kill countless people for their own greed and love of power.

  2. Vivi Channel has disabled comments, it is because she decided to or is just because is YOUR CHINESE WIFE?. What's the point of having a silent channel in YOUTUBE?

  3. Setting pigs on fire and burning them alive, a backward and disgusting practice i do not support your backward rituals china. Appalling. At least kill the animal quickly and humanly.

  4. Great video, thank you. Youre informative and helpful. Who would spit on you, what a moron. And may the chinese government burn in hell, what freedom will the chinese have? none.

  5. I had a dream last night where I was in an elevator in mainland China and it broke and plunged a bunch of floors with the emergency brake kicking in just in time. If I end up on the mainland teaching English after my degree I'll definitely be taking the stairs.

  6. I'm not a fan of Communist Party, specifically Chinese Government. I strongly believe that people should never judge another culture when they don't really speak the language from that culture. Know you have a Chinese wife, I love your videos and your family and nothing is personal.Having been lived in San Francisco for over 6 years, I never complain about my car's windows get smashed in CA. The police don't give a damn about that kinda minor issues. Well, people from other countries judge how Chinese government uses CCTV to track everyone's privacy. Well, if you don't commit a crime, why does the government give a shit about you? CCTV provides security for people living in China. If the hotel in Las Vegas had CCTV and also tracked every guest's behaviors, such as exit and enter frequency, over 50 lives might have been saved!! Well, again, nobody gives a damn about it because it's not their life. I'm not even talking about gun control in the US which irks me a lot all the time. The US is not the best, neither is China.

  7. She is undergoing a detention hearing – for extradition to the US but out on surety — but she didn't break "international law", the US requested extradition for breach of US DOMESTIC LAW… violation of US sanctions (not international sanctions), and she is accused of bank fraud for requesting funds from the Bank of Hong Kong for a purchase of HP computers – that HP later refused to provide, and SHE HERSELF did not misrepresent anything as she only spoke chinese on that trip and it was her translator that communicated with the banks. The accusation is that the powerpoint show misrepresented the relationship but the issue is that the powerpoint didn't misrepresent the facts at all, she in fact had left th board of sky a couple years prior.. and it was an alternate company that was controlling it that was seperate at the time but later purchased by Huawei that is accused of violating the sanctions. She did not misrepresent anything nor did the powerpoint presentation. Neither she nor Huawei were controlling Sky at the time of the alleged "attempt" to violate US sanctions on Iran.. AND the "attempted violation" didn't actually occur because HP refused sale of the computers after auditing the transaction so no actual violation of sanctions occured. As for your friend who was arrested… he was detained/charged related to spying offences. Both michaels were engaged with technically illegal activities in China because the NGOs they were working for were not registered with the Chinese government as they were require of all foriegn NGOs operating in China. So to say he didn't break the law is false. However whether he was spying – or his activities constituted what would be considered illegal foreign activities that collected information on china and benefited foreign national entities without permission.. it is exactly what was done, even if you think it is lame or it is unfair, fact is HE DID IT.. but not to the extent one would think would warrant arrest is your argument. Meaning his activities were innocent and were not against Chinese interests…??? I think you are right though they are unconnected… but I would want them connected as the only way either Michael is getting out any time soon is agreement with China for releasing Meng. The arrest of Meng is totally political and Canada's extradition treaty with the US provides for political arrests to be refused and extradition refused.. canada should do that and exchange the Micahels… only real chance for a happy ending as the US is waging war against China and Huawei and the michaels and Meng are casualties of that war. This is a classic example of china throwing the book at someone because of being upset with something foreign government did that was offensive. I am prettty convinced they were both guilty of enagig in unauthorzed foreign activities via foreign NGOs that were unregistered.. noramlly they may just get deported but instead they are being subjected to the maximum penalty. Although Meng is not in a Huge estate… its a nice property but nothign massive.. property costs in Vancouver are super high. Nice house but not huge estate. Also one of the Micahels is staying in the "PAID" part of the jail with the highest standards. Also I am not sure either would be SAFE in china out on bail with all the hate, nor would they be abe to pay the same costs that Meng is paying to be out… like millions and private security it ain't cheap. Neiter micahel could pay for the equivolent security required to have them out.

  8. As soon as the HK protest became violent and attacked private property attacking people the protest and reason for why you are marching in the streets is lost. Like to see you back in China in 2020 not hiding in USA, challenge you to go back.

  9. Thanks so much for sharing. I lived in China 2011-2013 and loved it. These videos are the best way I know for staying in touch with China. Looking forward to lots more!

  10. How dare you make China lose so much face in one video. What a complete disregard for the feelings of the Chinese people! Despicable, preposterous western lickspittle! Dear me. lol

  11. Your video reminded me of the Boxer rebellion of 1900. They didn't want foreigners in and a brutal crackdown ensued. Hope this does not happen again!

  12. 靠黑中國賺了多少錢了?不知道羞恥嗎?還要不要臉了?

  13. They'll never run out of Long Pig
    or people that will gladly sell the long gutter oil rendered from said long pig.
    all civilizations crash and burn regardless of how great we think our empire is.
    There is no example from our past that proves my statement wrong.
    China has risen and fell many times and each time, the cream is siphoned off and its liver is consumed.
    Dishonesty, graft, and corruption spread like cancer in all societies, but in some cultures, it seems to metastasized much quicker.
    It depends on the honesty and virtue of the genetic base stock.
    Nature is merciless to the merciless.

  14. It's about time the world's waking up to China. China's been spreading its propaganda for years and it's time we started doing the same and spreading the truth.

  15. Wow. Between the treatment of doctors, and the coins in the jet engines, you've really got to wonder about that supposed higher IQ of the East Asian people.

  16. No, thank you for opening our eyes on the real China… and for taking on a burden like that. I can't imagine how stressful it could get at times. Keep it up.

  17. I don't support Trump on much, but I firmly am behind his push back against China and to get them to deal fairly. The trade imbalance went largely unchecked for decades and China reaped the benefits while terrorizing international entities seeking a foothold within China. It has been very clear for a long time that China is always willing to cry foul when they're not treated fairly (as they deem), but are more than happy to trample on other countries and make loud threats to get precisely what they want. So again, I continue to support the trade war being waged against an overly aggressive Chinese conglomerate trying to force feed it's cheap crap down countries threats. And also, Huawei phones are garbage. No wonder their high ranking officials (Meng herself) use iPhones instead.

  18. Hey guys, check out the movie, on Scamazon Prime, re China's one child policy of death and destruction.

    It was shocking to see a few OG killers still arguing FOR the death and destruction that occurred.

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