VPN解釋:什麼是VPN? | NordVPN












簡而言之–設想一個防黑客攻擊的加密隧道,您的在線流量可以暢通無阻。沒有人,甚至沒有您的ISP,都無法看穿隧道並窺視您的去向或在Internet上所做的事情。 。

  1. Thanks for saving me in China! I am in China now and using NordVPN, best option for me so far, it is the only one that works on all platforms doesn't disconnect every few minutes.

  2. Just about the worst explanation of a VPN ever. Why bother. Some people are good at explaining things…then there's this guys who aims to leave you more confused then before

  3. C cc cc c c. C. Cc cc. Ccc cc cc c cc c c. Cc c cc cc ccc. Cc cc cc c ccc c ccc cc cc. Ccc. C ccc. C cc. C c c. C. C c cc. C c c c cc cc. C cc c @ , , m

  4. Lol bro you got to study before you promote. A VPN is a very good thing to have. But it dosent hide everything from your ISP or internet service Provider.

    We have to first connect to a ISP to get online. So if your using a VPN your internet connection will first be established only your ISP. Which the ISP will assigned you an iP Address from there your ISP will see all outgoing internet request as you must first upload a request to access any information on the "internet" or more precisely a server. Once your request leaves your ISP you are then assigned a new IP address by your VPN. Stopping everyone else at the security set up by your VPN Hosting service. But your ISP will still see just about everything. Especially since most people use a VPN for P2P or peer to peer downloading which is more simply understood as file sharing by using each peers upload data to deliver any files to the ones who are attempting to download them. In that case a VPN is useless. But for the average user it is ver useful to keep there personal data safe when browsing the web.

  5. Well, isn't using VPN, assuming it works, merely transfers the snooping from ISP to VPN provider? Perhaps only advantage is blocking small fry 3rd party snoops. Understand there is no privacy period, either online or off.

  6. Substratum will soon be launching and is really unable to be shut down. it's also essentially free of you help host during your downtime. it's also decentralized

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