
2019年是美國外交政策意外轉變的一年,從在河內舉行的特朗普金正日峰會失敗到持續的中美貿易戰,與伊朗的緊張局勢加劇以及敘利亞的事態發展。美國前外交官吉姆·賈特拉斯(Jim Jatras)和五角大樓前官員邁克爾·馬洛夫(Michael Maloof)參加小組討論今年的外交事務。(1:02)RT America的馬尼拉·陳(Manila Chan)與法律和媒體討論了2019年從溫斯坦和斯莫列特到爆發的愛潑斯坦醜聞的訴訟分析師萊昂內爾(Lionel)。 (13:28)

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  1. Isn't it great how the US has brought peace & freedom to the middle east for Israelis safety HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. The Jeffery Epstien case should be seen as an Israeli attack on Western powers. Jeffery Epstien was being handled by Ghislaine Maxwell, who inhereted the position from her father. The Maxwells had very close ties to the Mossad, and all the recordings were used to ensure those caught on the tapes, the rich and powerful, followed along with the Zionist Israeli playbook.

  3. Since the Nixon era, China has never done anything hostile toward the USA. On the contrary, China has regarded the US as the most important trading partner and feels happy to work with the US within the world order established by the US-led west. Recent hostility toward China by the Trump administration is mostly based on fear that China is doing too well economically and is surpassing the US some technological areas such as 5G. Creating a hostile enemy just because some is about to do better than you is strongly questionable. Everybody knows that the fact that China is governed by communist party in name is the least important aspect since we all know US can be a friend with far worse regimes such the Saudis, who has been proved have slaughtered an American journalist/Saudi national and cut him into pieces.

  4. Will everyone please stop combining years of experience! Bloody hell! One person has 20 years of experience and another has 22 years of experience so that means together they have 42 years of experience, therefore if one of them was 38 years old they would then have 4 more years of experience than their time here on planet earth. Or why not combine their ages, one person is 67 and another is 63 combined their age is 130. How are they both standing up if their age is 130?!

  5. Clash of the TITANS without proper XTIAN representation! American Foreign Policy makers have declared war against XTIANITY in South America as well as Islam in the middle east! REMEMBER THOSE CHILDREN IN CAGES ARE XTIANS!
    The ADL network endangers all jews with treason

  6. There appears to be the one common denominator that is causing trouble in the world with wars in the middle east and trying to make new ones plus the china trade issues is the USA, the rest of the world has to trade and get along because we don't have the economy the size of the US to dictate terms and conditions and use ones military might to get a one sided results, its throw an tantrum i want everything while you live in the dirt.

  7. Why do the American politicians have to make ordinary Chinese hate America? We have been teaching friendship at school. A lot of Americans have been working hard to bring peace and friendship. Why do these selfish politicians have to demonize China and create hostility?

  8. Decades of foriegn policy experience. Decades of stupidity. Destroying democraticly left countries that were fixing their iwn problems and the U.S. steps in and turns them into dictatorships!!

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