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  1. Google search finds out crashes such as this are not uncommon. It happened in training as well as on battlefields as well in the movie(Black Hawks down). There was a crash in Minnesota where three national guards soldiers were killed in Dec 2019. Also, there were crashes in training in Aug 2019- one death, 7 soldiers died in Iraq during a training session in 2019. Recent, Incidents such as these would have grounded the aircraft should they happened in civilian aviation.

  2. China cannot invade and hold Taiwan. First of all there's only so many days of the year where the current will cooperate. They don't have the Navy to actually transport these people in the equipment that they would need to consolidate their positions and then she moved Inland you have to remember also the United States Navy the Taiwanese Navy the Japanese Navy the South Korean Navy would all be intervening most likely the best case scenario for the Chinese is they might land five six thousand guys on the shores of Taiwan and they'll get cut to pieces They might let a few of them surrender but they're not going to be able to take over Taiwan. I think China can be a totally awesome country and over the last 70 years Taiwan is independent so therefore Taiwan is a country and China is a country and they have people at the same ethnicity saying language a lot of the same values has the Chinese government ever considered how valuable a good friend can be? Now if the Chinese want to make the Taiwanese the enemy or the Hong Kong people the enemy or people in the provinces the enemy then they're going to get what they asked for which is unrest and resistance. If I were giving advice to the Chinese president I would tell him to back off a little bit go easy give him a little autonomy if you can do that believe me the people will be appreciative and you won't be dealing with farting I don't know what the current Chinese president would be willing to do that or not but if he did it wouldn't be 6 months before you be dealing with friends instead of enemies that you just had a war with. Anyways God bless you folks greetings from the United States of America and the state of Kentucky the greatest state in the entire state of the United States of America!

  3. I am very disappointed to watch the news. I hope the deceased can rest in peace! At the same time, I also saw more poor critics!

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