美國無人駕駛飛機殺害了伊朗最高將軍Qassem Soleimani NBC晚間新聞

據報道,Qassem Soleimani剛從貝魯特進入伊拉克,正因他的車隊遭到美國無人機襲擊而喪生,正在離開機場。美國將索里馬尼(Soleimani)列為恐怖分子,但在伊朗他是個英雄-死後成千上萬的人走上街頭。

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美國無人駕駛飛機殺害了伊朗最高將軍Qassem Soleimani NBC晚間新聞。

  1. Us is big evil the start war Iran never want what and the have never start war Iranian aren't trorist soleimani just protect Iran from us military they treats Iran by building they military station around Iran general soleimani just wanted to protect his country hi was not trorist.please tells truth

  2. They Are Attacking the U.S.A because the U.S.A thinks it can occupy nations under Democracy in reality Nations do not want not want to submit to the NWO. this was done with Muammar al-Gaddafi now with Qassem Soleimani who is next ?

  3. Perfect time for another Drone strike…Look at all targets….Thats kool I finger and it all over!!!! Just like a video game…Good job Mr. Trump…Best President Ever..

  4. وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّـهِ أَمْوَاتًا ۚ بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ عِندَ رَ‌بِّهِمْ يُرْ‌زَقُونَ

    ??The Iranian people are all Qassem Soleimani✌️Down with the great American Satan terrorist




    مِنَ المُؤمِنينَ رِجالٌ صَدَقوا ما عاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيهِ ۖ فَمِنهُم مَن قَضىٰ نَحبَهُ وَمِنهُم مَن يَنتَظِرُ ۖ وَما بَدَّلوا تَبديلًا﴿۲۳﴾

    در میان مؤمنان مردانی هستند که بر سر عهدی که با خدا بستند صادقانه ایستاده‌اند؛ بعضی پیمان خود را به آخر بردند (و در راه او شربت شهادت نوشیدند)، و بعضی دیگر در انتظارند؛ و هرگز تغییر و تبدیلی در عهد و پیمان خود ندادند.

    ▪️شهادت جانگداز سردار رشید عصر حاضر، سپهبد حاج قاسم سلیمانی توسط یزیدان زمان آمریکای جنایتکار و حامیانش را به پیشگاه حضرت ولی عصر (عج) و امّت شریف و مسلمان عرض تسلیت و تعزیت دارم.
    امید است راه آن سفر کرده پررهرو، آرمان هایش ماندگار و اراده های ملّت حق طلب در مبارزه با استکبار جهانی تا ظهور منجی عالم بشریّت مهدی موعود (عج) راسختر گردد

    ان شاالله

    Among the believers are men who have been faithful to their covenant with God; some have made their covenant, and others are waiting, and have never changed their covenant.
    I extend my condolences to Vali-Asr (Ajallah), and all the freedom-loving people of the world, on the testimony of Major General Qassim Suleimani.
    It is hoped that the followers of his ideas will be countless and that the will of the right-wing nation will be strengthened in the fight against arrogance.

  5. Ever notice that when our "POTUS" talks about these news items it is clear that he is making it up as he goes along? This guy is one lie after another!

  6. Now Pence has linked Soleimani to 9/11 which is not true. Why can't the Trump Administration stop lying? Soleimani was a bad guy, but why the exaggeration and lies ? It is Trump's plan to lie and so confuse the American People they don't know what to believe. That's what Hitler, Putin, and dictators have done throughout history. This is my ultimate fear coming true with incompetent Trump, a new war.

  7. It is high time that Iran and other countries like them, should be wiped off the map. They are the instigators of radical islam spreading and bombings around the world. They are the ones going into other countries, setting up bases and launching attacks from there as to take the spotlight off their own country. 2020 should be the start to the toppling of all radical countries with dictatorships around the world.

  8. Trump = the big lier
    Trump = Supporters of terrorists
    Trump = Enemy of nations
    Trump = The stupidest fool
    Trump = Murderer of the people of the Middle East

    He killed someone who fought the ISIS terrorists….
    Because USA created ISIS

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