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  1. NBC news – 也怕真實事件被公開, 要封殺 .. 要封殺 ! 董建華 – 交還貪腐資產 給 香港人 ! world lock up the corruptive HK government/group … <支持打貪聯盟>, 香港立刻鎖起班貪官/籐瓜族 .. 市民才可以安居樂業 . 董建華 – 交還貪腐資產 給 香港 – 數代苦青 .
    香港 20年 的貪腐 – 害了多少代青年 ! << 亞歐鐵路通 … 海運產業落 …>> 2018 – 中遠, 上港集團  – <<  現金收購 .. 總額 HK$492 億 >>
    東方海外 2018 $78.67股 老牌 超 愛國  愛港  –  也走佬 ?東方股價 (1997/$4.97  –  2011/$87.00 – 2019/$37.90)_____________________________________________貪官/老千/大蠱惑   做場戲 – 成功走黑錢 . 貪腐工程 – 自定超高建造費 , 福利基建再大花 , 公帑亂投 .香港人 要向中央追回 << 萬億 >> 貪腐基建公帑 …
    瑞士 全球最長/最深的鐵路隧道 – 16 億 (1 公里) …
    香港 將軍澳 – 藍田隧道 3.8公里 , 造價 151 億      – 39 億 (1 公里) …

  2. I am very concerned for the lives of the protesters….. so far the Beijing government has exercised amazing restraint.
    Please protect yourself Hong Kong citizens….LIVE to protest another day…. please….

  3. HK people are tired of Chinese communist party extenting it's tenticles ! CCP signed a 50 year one country 2 system law guarantee the HK citizens it's freedom, it's 50 years hasn't even expired , yet the CCP has already kidnapped many HK citizens to torture and imprisonment in China ! Like Hong Kong book sellers !
    ( Causeway Bay Books sellers disappearances) then ? international outrage ?Now CCP use another tactics by extend its tenticles with the extradition laws ? So CCP can make up bogus crime on Hong Kong citizens to legally kidnap them for imprisonment , Then CCP wonders why there is protest ? How about CCP honor what you signed ? Instead of CCP finding different ways to extend its tenticles ? Disgusting !

  4. Many countries do good things during Christmas and New Year, but those violent criminals do something badly. They've never been peaceful, still wearing masks, terrorist style, obstructing roads, beating others, disturbing police and destroying such false protests in Hong Kong. This is definitely a criminal case and it is illegal. They have full of bad Karma and will sooner or later pay the price of their lives.

  5. Folks, the rioters destroying the city are not Chinese, they're vietnames. This protest has nothing to do with democracy, it's a continuation of the 2014 Umbrella Movement. Democracy is just a tool they're using to overthrown the Govt and take over the city to install vietnamese politicians and claim it as their own. Think about it and do some investigation.

  6. 樓房苦主緊記找 .. 林鄭月娥/ 籐瓜族林鄭月娥/ 籐瓜族 – 製造動盪局 , 保貪腐政權 ! 將經濟差 , 推得一乾二淨 ! 還要老屈香港人做其政治工具登上國際巨星 !
    逃犯條例散檔, 找香港人過橋, 搞亂香港又 不了了之 , 又當無事 . 又可開開心心, 無法無天 , 大貪特貪, 瓜分香港公帑 . 做場戲, 又睇到你慶合合… 勁 … 勁 … 勁 . 回歸23年, 治理香港就是這班貪官/籐瓜族 , 弄至香港貪腐橫行 , 無法無天 ! 林鄭月娥/ 籐瓜族看見你這班懵丙咁精靈, 舉腳支持他們 !  勁 … 勁 … 勁 .13 億 真易騙 ! 睡著都笑醒 .樓房苦主緊記找 .. 林鄭月娥/ 籐瓜族 ….

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