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#RT(Russia Today)是一個全球新聞網路,從莫斯科,倫敦,巴黎和華盛頓的工作室向100多個國家/地區廣播。 RT是第一個突破YouTube觀看次數10億基準的新聞頻道。 。

  1. Why did they put shrink wrap up only for police to easily punch through? I guess they could roll out some construction methods using heavy steel beams, drills, and big bolts to form barriers to ward off hostile storm troopers in full battle rattle? Then whole thing has looked so gay and sissy, but boldly entering brave new world age.

  2. Damn did you see that Freedom Gladwrap stop that armoured car in its tracks? Must be the democracy in the plastic making it stronger.

  3. If these cantonese protesters are doing in the imperialist/dictator US/UK area and they will be fired/targeted/arrested by thousands.China is hesitant to do a fierce full/drastic force against the cantonese protesters because their masters US/Europe have so many controlled corporate mass media run by their well planner FBI/CIA/MI6,

  4. The driver of the armored police vehicle was concerned that driving slowly through the wrap would damage the traffic lights, not because it couldn't drive through.

  5. They are just Destroying their economy and their future even if they got everything they wanted they will never recover economically from it and be in a worse position than they were before anyway they are so ignorant

  6. stop electing governments world wide no vote no consent time for change real change not in words but actions that manifest the new paradigm

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