貿易戰:為什麼特朗普不孤單? -VisualPolitik ZH


*腳本由哈維爾·安古洛(Javier Angulo)編寫






https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/art …
https://eu.usatoday.com/story/opinion …
https://www.wto.org/spanish/tratop_s / …
https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-in …
https://www.washingtonpost.com/busine …
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articl …
https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-in …
https://www.theepochtimes.com/trade-w …
https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx …
https://blog.selfbank.es/echando-la-v …


而且,不要忘了訪問我們朋友的播客Reconsider Media:

  1. You forgot to mention that before the "trade war" started China already had a 75%-100% tariff on all American imports. But wants 0% tariff on their exports.

  2. It is hard to tell which leader would be Palpatine or Dooku. Trump got elected and is now leading 'the republic' (ie the USA) but if either one were to really become emperor, Xi Jinping is far closer to having that authority.

    Having said that, if Trump thinks he is the chosen one, does that mean he will be left burning and limbless on the edge of a volcanic stream? That would also mean that he has turned to the dark side and is a pawn to the true emperor.

  3. trade really benefits Americans, most of them don't know their living cost is the lowest among developed countries, don't even mention a relative higher income. Manipulate and print dollars in exchange for real goods, that's wonderful!

  4. You are 100% correct. Any company that comes to invest in China must share their intellectual knowledge with those yellow mofos, and with time, the company is sacked and replaced with their own thieves and tomorrow they'll come out and be bragging of how great they've become, thieves!!! If the trade war with China is the only achievement Donald Trump gets, he's done a great job. Any one in politics who does not see this needs to become a farmer.

  5. China lost the trade war the moment it started. The multinationals are re-routing their supply chains away from China just when China needs them to stay put. As the population gets older and prices rise, the world would have eaten the price increases. Now those increases will kill China's competitiveness just when it hurts most. The USA is also at risk, but any damage will just sow distrust as China's population ages. The CCPs only way out is to loosen it's grip on the people and lure the Americans back with immediate political liberalization. The USA would elect a softer leader and China would gain 20 more years of growth and double the US GDP in that time. Unfortunately Chairman Xi has an iron fist and will look to say nice things while tightening his grip. The western intelligence services will see through this and pursue further decoupling which will cause this plan to backfire yet again.

  6. China bashing by candidates has been around since Clinton criticized Bush in the 1992 campaign. Nothing new. While it's true that Trump has gone the furthest after getting into office, but at what cost? What are the long term effects on a domestic economy that is already favoring the wealthy while leaving more and more Americans with less purchasing power. Also, realize that most import profits are made by American middlemen, NOT Chinese manufacturers. While some argue that supply chains can move out of China to other low cost production countries, but that is simply not feasible for most manufacturers because of the vast network of highly efficient supply chain that exists in China without borders. You cannot replicate that overnight nor anytime soon nor in the near future. We need to find a better way. Middle class Americans already are stretched thin financially and no corporations are giving out raises as fast as they are raising prices. Need total solutions and not hack jobs!!!!!

  7. Lol dude, under WTO local partnership and technology transfer is Legal.

    And China still developing country, it's capita just about $10K. For developed countries is more than $20K a year.

  8. What's up with the music on this channel? Different then your other channels. Is this aimed at a different audience (regionally or otherwise)?

  9. now again, the events of the real life have outplayed this video. so pls connect the dots btw US/Iran conflict, Russia&China&Iran common military exercises, Israel/Iran conflict; Russia & Israel friendship and the new gas pipelines! good luck!

  10. If you traveled world and lived with local for long, you will realise that every country has sort of protectionism. Sometimes they publicly write in the laws and claim to the outsider, like what China and India do, naïve must I admit, or they employ more subtle approaches like what European and Japanese do. They use laws on environmental and humanitarian causes, not the business laws to avoid conflict with WTO principles, to render the foreign brands unable to sell , or have to sell through a local proxy, or have to develop a new product line to obligate local laws , and of course it must hire local in RD and manufacture or otherwise some scandal and union issues will occur. Every body is doing this , including America itself, so a real free trade has never been fulfilled, not a day since the WTO. Trump is merely the child pointing out the emperor』s clothes, revealing the inevitable truth to the public. You can call it stupid or unsubtle, but it』s what the hypocrisy under the promise always is.

  11. It's smart politics. Americans are increasingly seeing China as an enemy of America either for economic, political, and/or moral reasons. If a politician comes in defending China they will look like they are siding with a Foreign Fascist Oligarchy over their own nation.

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