
根據美聯儲的一項新研究,唐納德·特朗普與中國的關稅和貿易戰不僅是完全失敗,而且實際上對總統和美國人民起了反作用。美國人現在每月要付出數十億美元的額外費用,而總統對於如何結束這場荒謬的貿易戰也沒有任何計劃。 《火環》的Farron Cousins對此進行了討論。










這個國家絕對沒人會感到驚訝。美聯儲發表的一份研究報告說,哎呀,唐納德·特朗普的貿易戰和對來自中國的商品的所有關稅實際上適得其反,是美國公眾付出了代價,而不僅僅是在我們購買的商品價格中付出了代價。 ,但也與我們的工作有關。是的,美聯儲本身已經承認,唐納德·特朗普與中國的貿易戰使我們在美國這裡失去了工作,並且使美國公民每月損失數十億美元的額外費用。現在,這再次不足為奇。自唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)以來,這就是每一份有關關稅和貿易戰的報告都告訴我們的。但是這些都是我們必須要錘鍊的故事。這些故事必須加以討論,因為其他公眾需要準確了解正在發生的事情。無論唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)發多少次推文,哦,關稅真的在傷害中國。我們在這裡做得很棒。事實並非如此。現在,聯邦政府自己的報告承認事實並非如此。由於貿易戰,我們在這個國家失去了數千個工作。由於貿易戰,我們每月向消費者支付的費用高達70億美元。關稅的焦點主要集中在農業社區,農產品。但是根據這項研究,我們被擰緊的許多商品與農業無關。以下是受到這些關稅打擊的十大行業。呃,磁性和光學媒體,皮革製品,鋁板,鋼鐵,機動車輛,家用電器,鋸木廠,音像設備,農藥和計算機設備的生產商。這些就是中國在美國這裡對我們徵收報復性關稅的十大行業。因此,我們為這些物品支付了更多費用。我們用數十億美元來救助農民。甚至還沒有真正陷入困境的農民。它要去大工廠的農民。因此,即使我們購買美國貨,無論我們購買什麼,我們都在左右手拳交錢,因為正如研究表明的那樣,正如我們已經解釋的那樣,即使是在美國製造的商品也沒有被徵收關稅的人提高了價格,以便與因徵收關稅而不得不提高價格的人保持競爭力。我們被搞砸了。這就是我希望總統候選人開始談論的更多內容。我希望他們出去談論這項關於聯邦儲備的研究。我希望他們也談論所有其他研究。我希望他們去生鏽的地方向人們解釋,唐納德·特朗普個人和一手將他們從數十億美元和數千個工作中解救出來,因為根據聯邦政府自己,這是上帝的誠實真理。這就是候選人需要談論的。因為這就是問題,所以這不是一個左或右的問題。這不是民主黨與共和黨的問題。唐納德·特朗普親自做到了。因此,如果這是您要與之競爭的人,這似乎是打擊他的最大職位之一,因為這絕對是唐納德·特朗普自從上任以來所犯下的最大的失敗之一,而他卻沒有得到他的幫助。其他人,這只是表明這個男人真正的無能和愚蠢。

#rof #trofire #theringoffire #progressivenews。

  1. Donny wasn't lying… He promised THEY will pay for it… just he didn't say that "they" are Americans… But retards still believe in him… Got America great again? I don't think so. Proof me wrong…

  2. And l hope it backfires on each and every one of this voters that believed him as a candidate that made all these promises with zero explanation on how he』d do it.

  3. Who can we, the normal every day tax payer believe anymore? Is that true about the billions more being spent by Americans every month because the retaliatory tariffs coming out of China for Trumps tariffs to China? Is the stock market still booming like Trump says it is. We have gotten so used to him claiming fake news that now we think maybe he』s right, maybe the news media is lying. ??☹️

  4. Can』t anyone tell the president in his face that he sucks and your fucking up the trade war is hurting the American people and further more who really gives a shit about the trade war I』d like to see it go back the way it was pre-Trump error because the current times suck why this Imbecile is acting president not a real president but just acting president

  5. Farron,
    You probably don't hear this enough but thank you for bringing the stories that we need to hear. Awareness of the people is seemingly down but you continue to try to educate.
    Thanks for that

  6. He kept failing with his own businesses so why are people surprised when he does the same with America ??! The US is gonna end up going Bust if they keep on letting him run it the way he does !! But a lot of people are just mindless Sheeple who'll follow him straight of a cliff !!

  7. When there is war, there is casualties.
    I disagree on how this video is made as it seems this guy don understand economy.

    One of the simple reason is awareness on how much reliance is USA to China and China to USA.. this trade war fails because USA is high dependent on China, and it is time to seek substitutes!

    China need to be monitor or else not trade war but world war 3!

  8. Trump and his SSupporters will ignite this war. But, make no mistake that it is the Republican crony capitalists War State plutocracy that has been behind the scenes making it happen.

    Trump is the distraction while the Republicans set up for war.

    Their cowardice has been well noted since the Nixon and Reagan era.

  9. The money changers are cross. Don has trouble counting past two, the only reason he knows what three is, is because thats the number of billions he』s in debt.

  10. Wow… the cost of Trumps tariffs would have paid for that f'ing wall by now. He is really that dead set on loosing money as fiercely as possible, one way or another.

  11. Don』t you love how Trumpanzees think he』s such a great business man and ignore all his failures and fall for the Con. It』s fucking pathetic how stupid they are.

  12. We get reports here that tRump is entering into discussions with China to end the trade war and that he is likely to to sign a new agreement. So little mafia donny, the FAKE unelected non president is now prepared to sign a surrender treaty. Wow, that's awesome from the guy that always wins "bigly" and stated trade wars are easy to win. Jesus, what a moron. Yes, the world knew he was, way before he was appointed precedent, but he just keeps on proving it.

  13. Too bad Milton Bradley didn't have a game board on how to wreck an economy in 3 easy steps ! Trump could have got his jollies out before he became president !

  14. Yep farmers are getting hit but yet many of them are so fucking stupid they still support Trump. How do I know this. First hand experience. I drove truck hauling corn for a farming outfit last month in Nebraska. They had nothing but positive things to say about Trump along with some racist crap. I quit the following day. Not going to help a bunch of racist assholes who don't have a logical thought in there fucking head!

  15. Agriculture Secretary Perdue has openly disrespected farmers to their faces, calling them "whiners", for complaining about tariffs, and yet these same farmers say they will still vote for trump. Fox has them brainwashed into a corner, so effectively the fools will still vote for their own destruction. It's sad to watch.

  16. Jokers who continue to vote for Republicans are getting exactly what they deserve. Why should anyone feel sorry for such an ignorant electorate? Republicans have been governing ( ha ha) like this for decades. That's why the country is going down the tubes and is the butt of jokes all over the world. Keep it up righties! !! Ignore the facts. THAT'S the only thing you're good at!

  17. WHAT? Who would have thought that was going to happen? How does a person like my self know this would only cause us harm? I basically failed econ.. Why does this happen every single time these greedy stupid republicans are making the decisions?

  18. Try telling or better yet, try explaining that to Trump's supporters. It'd be like talking to a brick wall. They're brainless, as well as clueless, and they're just about as dense as a brick wall. Well, I might have been a little to harsh on their description, Not! IDK what happened to these people. At one time, some of them knew what they were doing, they were smart people, but that was before they got Conned by none other than the King of all Con Men himself, Donald Trump. He fed them full of BS and lie's about himself, and made promises, he knew he would never keep, but it didn't matter, it was too late, they had already taken the bait. He set the hook and reeled them in. They were like hungry little piggies in a pen that nothing to eat, but instead of giving them food to eat, he fed them with nothing but BS, lie's, and fake promises and believe it or not their still
    eating them up, to this very day. Vote Blue, 2020!

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