
一個世界知名的專家小組與里克·桑切斯(Rick Sanchez)一起就戰爭行為特別報道,這是美國暗殺伊朗將軍卡西姆·索萊馬尼(Qassem Soleimani)的事件。德黑蘭大學教授穆罕默德·馬蘭迪(Mohammed Marandi)向我們提供了伊朗的最新消息,而國會議員羅恩·保羅(Ron Paul)則討論了軍工聯合體。前聯合國武器檢查員約翰·里特(John Ritter),格雷斯區(Grayzone)編輯馬克斯·布魯門塔爾(Max Blumenthal),美國前外交官吉姆·賈特拉斯(Jim Jatras),國家情報局特別通訊員米歇爾·格林斯坦(Michele Greenstein)和《轟炸》胸圍主持人克里斯蒂·艾(Christy Ai)討論了這次襲擊的原因以及下一步將發生什麼。

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  1. Revelation 18:2

    「And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.」

  2. 2:30 And when thy Lord said to the angels, I am going to place a ruler in the earth, they said: Wilt Thou place in it such as make mischief in it and shed blood? And we celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness. He said: Surely I know what you know not. (Qur'an).

    The Shaitan is indeed the Great Arch-Deceiver; the Arch-Enemy of ALLAH [the GOD] and his righteous servants.  His Divinely Allotted Time to rule is up!! Mystery Babylon is fallen…

  3. This general was in Iraq, certainly not just on vacation. Finally a President that will protect our embassies. This channel is obviously against America on us protecting our people.

  4. Wasn』t here in the USA had Administration Intelligence indeed? Since their way was in opposition and of error heading.
    Doesn』t the impeachment issue being truth by the Senators was? That』s let』s the people in our country and world society in deep grief by the Wars comes the way of USA sanctions and crime, the methods that everyone ought to be killed by the ignorance and stupid violence』s. No compromising but let』s it』s the worst things ever.
    None in the USA ?? senators and the representative in the Congress seem ignored without morality proper for Humanity indicates norms

  5. All I can say is the general might have been great for Iran, but the rest of the world see him as a terrorist that needed to be taken out which we in fact did. He and he was just nothing but a well-educated murderer, the did the bidding for the Islamic cause. Which they think is anybody that is an Infidel Must Die. Well guess what you've awakened a sleeping giant with a commander it has a very high intelligence, and will be in office for the next 5 years. Step lightly Your Existence could end in 15 minutes

  6. The General's death will not unify Iran, 90% of the people that live in the country hate the leadership. Because of them they lived a dismal backwards life. All the money that is generated by their oil is put into their military and the people are left to perish and this is why uranium people hate their government

  7. the Iranian government act with extreme arrogance they think they are judge jury and they give money to care as groups. The general wasn't that great because during the time he was fighting against Iraq, they were defeated Time After Time. The Iranian government arrogance is only super excited by their arrogance. The Arabians use the money that the Muslim Canyon Obama gave them and gave it to terrorists. I believe that if Iran retaliates, that we will take out the top Echelon of their country without exception. Their equipment is backwards their Fighters are low educated. The fact is the US had a stealth drone over the country 4 hours and they didn't even know it was there. We can also track them from space. The American people are tired of Middle East I wish President Trump and pull all of our troops out everywhere. The countries over there have been fighting each other for 2,000 years let's let them just kill each other why would we care why would anybody care

  8. I think the CIA intel said Iraq had NO WWD snd it was the US Gov lied to its citizens saying Iraq had WWD. so it was not the CIA but the gov. of the US that LIED.

  9. Trump hunt/killed Gen.Soleimanie because he is the one who destroyed/removed the created/supported /financed like ISIS/Daesh/White helmets/ISIL/Al nushra/FSA with billions of dollars by the imperislist US/Europe/Israel/Allies.Gen.Soleimanie is the talented author of the destruction /removed of the proposed plan to invade/steal the natural resources of syria and that is the reason they have to kill him any time!!!!

  10. Trump cannot drain the swamp he promised to do because he is part of it, lets hope Iran can do better at draining the swamp or better still drown all of them in the swamp.

  11. This panel may be intelligent but only in the ways of strategic political bickering.
    1. They do not have top secret clearance.
    2. They are not members of organizations with access to U.S. military intelligence.

    I believe there is a bigger reason behind this attack that can not be seen. IT DOES NOT INVOLVE MONEY OR ECONOMIC BENEFITS because that $h!t just doesn't matter to some people even if they are in power.
    others who "overvalue" will only see the price that they might have to eventually pay to the piper in the future but not the price that we will all eventually have to pay in the end…

  12. Who made this prediction? About the third world war he stated:

    "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other."
    The guy who wrote this, in 1871, was correct about the first and second world wars. Will he be right again?

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