
隨著消費者支出的增加,就業市場的繁榮和低利率,美國經濟正顯示出改善的跡象。但是,中國與中國的貿易戰繼續拖累製造業。 。

  1. The Globalists will try everything to hide the truth from the world , that the US economy is booming right now. US has its lowest unemployment since 1969. Wages have steadily increased all year. Stock markets are at an all time high. US is Probably the only country in the world currently that could self sustain itself. All this during a trade war no less. Which should lead any one with a brain to the obvious conclusion that the US is winning the trade war and that they are just winning in general.

  2. he said during his campaign that we would grow weary of winning. NOT JUST YET please! could the left look more impotent? the only way for them to win in 2020 would be to cheat, but hey, that's who they are. 'but this is just Obama's economy'. now that's funny. he did however manage to make himself vastly wealthy, on a salary of $300k per as prez. imagine that.

  3. Lmao, three year's ago, leftists were saying Trump would decimate employment and the economy, plus create WW3.

    All Dems and their hysterical mob of follower have now is the hoarse , shrill cries of "impeach".

  4. They're desperately looking for the cloud in the silver lining that is the US economy.
    "Shows signs of improvement"? The US economy is booming and continues to set all-time records while much of the rest of the world struggles…especially those economies that were dependent on taking advantage of the US.

  5. OH MY GOD!!!
    You guys have no idea!
    The bottom 25% of wage earners had a 4.6% pay rise this YEAR!!!
    Bloody lefty media…..oh sky….you do realize that there are left leaning people on Fox don't you?
    Of course you do….you report it every time…arseholes

  6. All of this good news has to have a bad story. Perhaps it is depressing to China and the EU. Maybe Americans are tired of winning and should go back to stagnation? If only to make a good news story, of course.

  7. the thing is, the American economy is not effected by any country besides America. unlike the rest of the world that is affected by the American economy.

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