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  1. It was a war between Iran and Iraq ever since Sadam when the US take Sadam the general of Iran silently invade Iraq bagdad.. the problem is that general had been ordered to stay in Iraq to show in Iranian. that they take Iraq bagdad successfully.. never knowing he will be shot down… .. that's the reason to many Iranian in Iraq.. for the first time they succeed goin to Iraq caused there is no Sadam.

  2. Takes out the No 2 in the axis of evil team then sends in 4000 troops into the field but we are not at war against Iran right? Ok cool thanks xx

  3. Is any of you who's liked this video or commented in support of the deployment of more soldiers is actually going to take part in the war? Or you just support watching it like a HBO series?

  4. You weekend warriors wouldn』t have a chance! Taking over the USA government? Second Civil war?You』ll get drones first…oh please ? …..

  5. Some people are saying China and Russia would help Iran and start WW3.
    I highly doubt that that will be the outcome. Compared to any of the 3 world powers (US, China, Russia) Iran does not hold a significant enough value, specially economicaly to justify going to war with each other. Wars are not just the guns, tanks, planes, bombs etc. When you enter a war, you risk everything. You army, your economy, your citizens and even if you win a war, the aftermath might even lead to the collapse of the your government. China and Russia might help Iran Indirectly and remember, The US is not alone. They have NATO, The EU, and the ASEAN nations that would back them up.

  6. Trump does what Bibi tells him to do, and Israel wanted Iraq & Iran destroyed. The real winner here is Israel. And USA taxpayers will keep providing Israel with the free healthcare and free college education that their own USA government tell them they can't afford because the military budget is grabbing all these funds to fight Israel's wars. Fools, when are you going to wake up.

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