
特朗普總統下令罷工殺死伊朗最高將軍卡塞姆·索萊馬尼(Kasem Soleimani)後發表聲明。 #CNN #News。

  1. You crybaby liberals and these useless left media. You were happy when Obama assassinated Bin Laden, nobody cared win Reagan ordered the strike on Qaddafi that killed his family. Its Trump you hypocrites will never accept anything he does. The left the media, and all there leftist cult following are the problem in this country.

  2. She said three times that Trump has been critical of U.S. intelligence agencies, and thought it conflicted with his very pro U.S. intelligence statement in his briefing. That』s simply not accurate. Trump was specifically referring to rogue and corrupt agents that were involved in fraudulently obtaining FISA warrants for him and others.

  3. As an American who does not like who Trump is as a person, I now respect him as my president who looks out for our country. Fuck with US and we will eliminate you, period.

  4. Great, World War III here we come. Hopefully those stupid feminists don』t get us drafted too. Everyone wants equal rights, until they』re equal.

  5. fucktrump he said Obama would start a war just to get reelected and that's exactly what he's doing he doesn't give a shit about the blood spilt from the foreigners or my friends in the military… Donald Trump can go straight to hell for starting world war 3 fuck you

  6. Regime changes : read the book KILLING HOPE by William Blum ISBN 978-1-78360-177-6
    Iran : start august 19, 1953 Mossadegh. Reason Oil and Gas. One year follows the other and noting changes.

  7. Since trump likes to fashion himself as Jon snow on Twitter perhaps he might follow his example prior to b.o.t.b

    There』s no need for a battle. Thousands of men don』t need to die. Only one of us. Let』s end this the old way. You against me.

  8. You don't wait I new iraine is a enemy but more dangerous they are a foe enemies iraine don't like us you don't wait,you don't know what those soldiers are study and you don't know what the until they have on Iran that's what Trump went off any one of these f**** people coming up to run office to shut the fuk up he's not Obama is not going to come out he's not going to tell you what the f*** there doing its intel that is not for the public don't forget you still got enemies heading within the United States from other countries do you really want the president of the United States to come out and say I plan to say everything American soldiers are doing what would you be almost a ride to be like Obama and come out and give out until all around the world

  9. If there will be a war, everybody who voted for trump should be the ones who are drafted first!… including the Electoral college??y』all wanted to support him?? KEEP THAT ENERGY! LMAOOO?

  10. He talks the talk and he is man enough, to walk the walk…

    He is a slayer of Abraham and all of his children…… These illegitimate people and their ethnicity…..
    He is going to 'Walk on Water next'……..

    He is going to side with Pakistan and they are going to brand these Abraham stock' Islamabad… !

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