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  1. Iran used to be a military power (the fourth one, before 1979) currently Iran's military equipments are suitable for museums since Islamic state of Iran hasn't updated its military it's ridicolous to call current Iran as a military power.

    There will be no war but it's really likely that US will strike those 52 sites pres. trump mentioned.

  2. Your president is risking the possibility of a conflict solely to divert attention from his own problems. He probably will be nominated for the Nobel peace prize.

  3. Wars and rumors of wars in the year of vision. Jesus is coming for us sooooooooon! Repent and read His word and be washed in the Blood and be saved

  4. Well people are wanting to finish this life up now because it's too miserable and people will say it's only miserable for the individual well no it's individually miserable for everybody and War believe me people want war so bad that's why we're all against each other these days.

  5. The U.S. will destroy itself…. Russia, China, and North Korea have been hoping it wouldn』t get to this Point but it』s forced their hand. This is ww3. Iran has powerful friends.

  6. This was very informative; and it was only two minutes long. I wish my news was like this.

    Most of the time it's just pointless interviews of "experts" arguing opinions over and over again.

  7. September 11 was the star of ww3, its just been proxy wars to set everything up and stage troops. Nothing new here. Ww3 started back in 2001

  8. General Wesley Clark reveals the US plan to invade and take over 7 countries, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, And Iran, before we even invaded Afghanistan. The first part of the plan was revealed 10 days after 9/11 and was expanded to included the other nations. Clark is quoted as saying the invasion wasn't based on links to Al-Qaeda or any other intelligence reports but just because the US has an army that is great at taking over other nations.

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