
特朗普總統對美國罷工事件表示關注,報道稱美國罷工殺死了伊朗將軍卡西姆·索萊馬尼(Qassem Soleimani)總統正前往邁阿密發起特朗普聯合福音派。

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  1. As we speak the Iranians are growing a clone army.With samples of DNA taken from Trump. This was discovered by American intelligence!
    So you can imagine trump has taken this personally!

  2. Trump is sooooo in over his head. Two weeks ago he was talking about flushing toilets . . . now, he's supposed to lead in a war? Vote this loser out before he sends your sons and daughters to die for the military industrial complex.

  3. Only God knows how much I hate Donald Trump my buddies are about to be deployed just to get slaughtered all for his ego and to save his legacy supposedly him and his family can go straight to

  4. This mans a legend.
    Cleaning house, doing what other presidents should have done years ago. Bribing them was the dumbest idea anyone』s ever had

    Canada stands with you my man❤️?

  5. When you have absolute power you decide whose life matters and whose don』t. Which are worthy of protecting and which aren』t. Morale: in whatever you do, seek power.

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