有沒有中美貿易協定? | DW新聞


受樂觀數據顯示,全球第二大經濟體具有韌性,中國股市今天收盤漲至六周高點。華盛頓和北京同意在本周末暫停新一輪關稅,這標誌著兩國關係解凍。但是,專家警告說,貿易協議的過渡階段不會結束貿易爭端。但是,這是朝著正確方向邁出的一步。訂閱:https://www.youtube.com/user/deutschewelleenglish?sub_confirmation = 1

#China #TradeWar。

  1. ???????????????????????World Economic Cooperation for China to make money but China uses that money to buy dangerous weapons against the World. We can believe the World except China. United Nations, America, Allies and The world needs to vigorously expose the opposite and non-meaning, disregarding China's international law. The world always wants peace and development but China thoroughly takes advantage of this to rob, expand and expand. Economic and Military. The World let's eliminate this huge threat … China's threat of colonial and economic expansion in the Region and in the World is too great. is invading the territory of Vietnam, India and the Philippines. The territory of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan Nation and even the Far East of Russia g is seriously threatened. China is a permanent member of the United Nations but has no responsibility for a member that brings a great threat to the World, immediately expelling it from the United Nations and the WTO. That threat is even bigger when China has nuclear weapons and always despises International law. China is a 10 times bigger threat than Korea and Iran. Trump is the future of America. and of the World. America, Allied and International seek to effectively ban Embargo, destroy China both in Economy and Military to avoid major risks for the World. China symbolizes robbery of the World: robbing copyright, robbing product models, robbing technology, … robbing the Economic and Military security, protecting the fishermen to rob other nations, invading and staggeringly invading the territory of another country …. The United Nations must vigorously unmask, speak out for immediate deterrence.??

  2. Prices may not come down after rising from the tariffs, after removal of tariffs, corporate profits may rise as a result..Consumers may end up footing the bill..

  3. You're not recognizing that if the US helps level the playing field in these negotiations with China then Europe also benefits. Pretty much every European leader I have heard on this has said they agree with the US, because you are facing the same unfair trading practices. Or, just become a vassal of the CCP, it's all good.

  4. Indians have just passed the most racist law to take away nationality of millions of people just based on religion. Please oppose citizenship amendment bill .Germany we trust you and sorry for random message.They are helpless #

  5. Germany should be worried about Chinese huawei decision. Chinese government has already announced business sanction plan on Germany+ Trade deal with USA is already agreed. Cant wait for trade war between china and Germany. USA is going to sanction Germany auto industry too very soon

  6. Looking into practically real thing. US economic hardly be in good condition , Given that they are in printing dollar economic. This is the inevitable root cause that made their products stay in never ending expensive and incapable competing in free market. They would have better economic condition on relinquish dollars off central currency. But..they'll never accept that.

  7. Chinese selling couple of billions of dollars worth of weapons to Pakistan Bangladesh Sri Lanka Middle East and Africa South America.
    So they will make it

  8. Donny is caving in for he fears impeachment and the rise of Bernie Sanders as his reelection bid weakens. The U.S. has gained little. The Walton family was never worried, Walmart still China's outlet but now American's are paying more for goods for tariffs are taxes, taxes Americans have to pay. 2020 is shaping up to be on hell of a year!

  9. Seen. US-China Trade Deal… One Day At A Time… Little Steps… Danke Schön. EU. India. Middle-East Bloc. African Continent. Southeast-Asia. South America Bloc.

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