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彭博社(Bloomberg)的QuickTake是一個全球新聞網路,可為新一代領導者提供有關最大新聞,趨勢和想法的最新分析。 。

  1. Have you noticed. The Media only talks to Soy farmers. Like no other product is bought from America. Yet we buy all the cheap ass crap from China.

  2. These farmers are greedy, Trump give them $28 B to compensate the $10 B loss, their income doubled in a few years but still not satisfied

  3. War is never pleasant guys, don't ever forget about that. If your governments are trying to make war look easy, common, or fun, it's time to be REALLY suspicious.

  4. Farmer-man, what is it you don't understand about, "strongest economy in the world"? It's a shame old dude can't read, or we could make him our Secretary of Agriculture. Good grief.

  5. What one farmer thinks. @ 00:36 the agricultural exports of $19 billion in 2017, fell to $9 billion in 2018, thus loosing 10 billion dollars in exports, but was offset by $ 28 billion that Trump paid farmers in compensation. It's a tough road but you have to negotiate from a position of strength and that's what Trump has done. Trump has created a massive bargaining chip by slapping on tough tariffs and allows negotiation from a position of strength. Trump is China's worst nightmare. The rest that preceded him are bend-overs that passed the buck and caused this massive decline in US industry. over decades, 70,000 manufacturing businesses sold out to China, with little consideration of long term consequences that the west now faces. Relegation to the industrial scrapheap of history. It's some near term pain, but in the end considering the US is already being ripped off about $100 billion per year, it's pain worth enduring, because on the current path, they are heading for relegation to a second tier nation, if the Chinese get their way and keep ripping off that $100 billion each year in imbalances and intellectual property theft, also costing tens if not hundreds of billions each year.

  6. 一手是綠葉,

  7. American farmers are a joke. They want a level playing table and don't want subsidies for other countries agricultural products but want US subsidies which the American worker is paying for. They want capitalism and yet they want socialism , just give me the money they say . The American farmer is a hypocrite. Screw the subsidies for them , they are not very efficient and want the american worker to bail them out.

  8. It's unfortunate that the bottom line took a hit for some farmers while this is being sorted, but it's simple math that indicates we have china over a barrel. Their economy is based on exports to a MUCH larger degree than ours. We have the upperhand but they are trying to hold out and hurt us, which is to be expected.

  9. Guy's more qualified to run the country then the guy currently occupying the office, but we can say that about far too many people at this point….

  10. Do you think people are so stupid that you're not going to get your ass chewed out for saying what Farmers think of trump and it's really only one guy??? That's like a big fuck you to your viewers. So I say fuck you back and you guys suck

  11. Great video!!! Thank you, now I know what all the farmers in America think of Donald Trump!!! Amazing journalism guys keep up the fucking terrible work

  12. Grain prices are fairly high this year. Growing conditions were not the greatest for many however. = This trade war really had little effect on grain prices, but of course another large buyer always helps.

  13. Trump is winning on all fronts. Farmers have been screwed and Trump is making huge gains on the trade front. Anyone saying different is not paying attention or they are lying.

  14. DemonRATs abandoned the WORKING CLASS. So screw em, they'll keep lying and lying and lying to get some votes. But we all know they're all lying now.

  15. You got exactly what you voted for, and now the rest of us are having to bail you out, despite you being against any sort of 「socialism」! I don』t see a single farmer turning down the money wit the standard republican dog whistle 「 no thanks, Im self sufficient/supporting and am solely responsible for my actions…NOT!

  16. How funny that farmer John (no disrespect) gets that the Chinese are masters of the long game and Chump thinks that he can bluster them into a deal in just four years. You heard it here first, wouldn't be a bit surprised, given how the orange retard has damaged the intelligence and diplomatic communities, if Chine gets caught tweaking the 2020 election just to get a rational human being in the White House.

  17. Are you really going to act like what was in place before was better ?? American farmers have been on the brink for years, you going to blame Trump for that as well? Sure there might be some growing pains to get the right deal in place. China is a tough nut to crack, but we absolutely have the right guy in place to get it done. We also have the USMCA that is going to be good for farmers. I bet I could find 100 farmers that agree with what he is doing for every 1 farmer that does not agree. Fake News…exhibit A.

  18. They'll just wait Donald Trump out until some spineless Democrat takes office. I guess we need more future looking presidents to come after Trump!

  19. Vote for a commie or a socialist then.
    They will collectivise your farm and slap on price controls.
    Of course there will be a National Farm Workers Union, who will strike for $15/ hr ( like McDonald employees) All of fhe lib candidates will join the picket line at your gate.
    Youll be filing for bankruptcy ( like the evil President did)

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