
哈馬斯和其他幾個巴勒斯坦派系譴責殺害伊朗將軍卡西姆·索萊馬尼(Qassem Soleimani)作為美國的罪行,並說這不會阻止他們與以色列的戰鬥。哈馬斯還就索萊馬尼之死向伊朗人民表示慰問。英國前國會議員喬治·加洛韋(George Galloway)參與其中。

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  1. Dunald trump is a coward but he will pay the bill for the death of the Iranian generals Suleiman, believing that time will come and see what is going on

  2. Americans could not possibly be more unsafe in the world than they are now. But don't build any more walls, just construct a huge MIRROR!

  3. The Great Satan believes it is free to exercise dominance over the [entire] planet. Satan was Divinely Allowed to rule with a rod of deception for a precisely Predetermined Time. Satan's time to rule is NOW up!!

  4. The US is playing a dangerous game during an impeachment process. This is right out of the Bill Clinton playbook. While he also attacked Iran during an impeachment. The US does this because it can get away with it. Iran does not have Aircraft Carriers Nuclear weapons. This is not a game. It is an Abuse of power.

  5. Its funny how people in the comment section are blaming Israel, they need help, their antisemitism is coming out. This is not kindergarten America can make their own choices as to take out which terrorists.

  6. GG: ". . .And the fact that he has not probably understood just what a risk he has taken. . . speaks volumes about his ability to be the president." I believe he was tricked/manipulated/deceived into giving the order. He either didn't know it was Soleimani who was being assassinated or worse, he didn't know the incredible significance of the man to the Iranian people. Cui bono? The deep state, the neocons, they get their war and they get rid of him. What's Trump going to say? I was too dumb to know they were lying?

  7. Reposting this because it's important information that not everyone may yet know of.

    Bernie Sanders Unveils Bill to Keep Trump From 『Illegally Taking US to War Against Iran』
    US @ 04.01.2020
    by Oleg Burunov

    On Friday, US President Donald Trump told reporters that he ordered an airstrike to kill IRGC commander Qasem Soleimani in order 「to stop a war」 rather than to start one.

    Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders tweeted on Saturday that he is introducing a bill to prevent US President Donald Trump from 「illegally taking us to war against Iran」. The White House has yet to comement on the matter.

    Sanders' statement comes after Qasem Soleimani, the commander who led Iran』s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)』 elite Quds Force, was killed in a US drone strike near the Iraqi capital Baghdad, an attack that was authorised by Trump. …

    Gee, I wonder which Presidential candidate the Citigroup analyst might mean – and how hard it would be to still argue against the fearmongering drive to increased war and suckage in all possible respects?

     Not to mention wondering how the US public feels about being drained even more via fuel hikes, their public budget AND to-be-added-to multi-trillion debt – so that war profiteers in and out of government can make more killings off more killings at their expense, yet again?

     While very possibly starting a nuclear World War 3 making their profits useless – and everybody not on ground zero or already dying of radiation poisoning dying in global nuclear winter dimming, with no more global food or oxygen production – anyway?


    | Jan 4, 2020 at 10:27 am.
    「If You Are Wondering Who Benefits」: Weapons Makers Stocks Surge as US Risks War With Iran

    "Stocks for weapons manufacturers began to rise as soon as Soleimani was killed."

    Common Dreams

    (CD) — Almost immediately after the United States assassinated Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike Thursday night, major American weapons manufacturers and defense contractors—from Northrop Grumman to Lockheed Martin to Raytheon—saw their stocks surge as investors sensed the growing likelihood of another costly and deadly war in the Middle East. …

    … The surge in defense stocks was readily highlighted on corporate television programs like Fox Business and in publications like Investor』s Business Daily, which noted that 「Northrop Grumman (NOC) and Lockheed Martin (LMT) were big winners in Friday』s stock market trading, along with Raytheon stock.」

    Citigroup analyst Jonathan Raviv wrote Friday that 「if Middle East conflict were to ratchet up…we think it could be tougher for Democratic Party electoral candidates to argue against a stronger defense budget in 2020.」

    「As is always the unfortunate case, defense stocks tend to benefit from perceptions of heightened risk and the potential for geopolitical conflict,」 Raviv added. …


    EXPOSED: Netanyahu-Pompeo lie of Imminent Threat that justified the Assassination of Soleimani
    By Craig Murray
    By Guest Author Last updated Jan 4, 2020

    Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani

    By Craig Murray

    In one of the series of blatant lies the USA has told to justify the assassination of Soleimani, Mike Pompeo said that Soleimani was killed because he was planning 「Imminent attacks」 on US citizens. It is a careful choice of word. Pompeo is specifically referring to the Bethlehem Doctrine of Pre-Emptive Self Defence.

    Developed by Daniel Bethlehem when Legal Adviser to first Netanyahu』s government and then Blair』s, the Bethlehem Doctrine is that states have a right of 「pre-emptive self-defence」 against 「imminent」 attack. That is something most people, and most international law experts and judges, would accept. Including me.

    What very few people, and almost no international lawyers, accept is the key to the Bethlehem Doctrine – that here 「Imminent」 – the word used so carefully by Pompeo – does not need to have its normal meanings of either 「soon」 or 「about to happen」. An attack may be deemed 「imminent」, according to the Bethlehem Doctrine, even if you know no details of it or when it might occur. So you may be assassinated by a drone or bomb strike – and the doctrine was specifically developed to justify such strikes – because of 「intelligence」 you are engaged in a plot, when that intelligence neither says what the plot is nor when it might occur. Or even more tenuous, because there is intelligence you have engaged in a plot before, so it is reasonable to kill you in case you do so again.

    I am not inventing the Bethlehem Doctrine. It has been the formal legal justification for drone strikes and targeted assassinations by the Israeli, US and UK governments for a decade. Here it is in academic paper form, published by Bethlehem after he left government service (the form in which it is adopted by the US, UK and Israeli Governments is classified information). …

    … In the absence of a respectable international lawyer willing to argue this kind of tosh, Blair brought in Bethlehem as Chief Legal Adviser, the man who advised Netanyahu on Israel』s security wall and who was willing to say that attacking Iraq was legal on the basis of Saddam』s 「imminent threat」 to the UK, which proved to be non-existent. It says everything about Bethlehem』s eagerness for killing that the formulation of the Bethlehem Doctrine on extrajudicial execution by drone came after the Iraq War, and he still gave not one second』s thought to the fact that the intelligence on the 「imminent threat」 can be wrong. …

    There are literally scores of academic articles, in every respected journal of international law, taking down the Bethlehem Doctrine for its obvious absurdities and revolting special pleading. My favourite is this one by Bethlehem』s predecessor as the FCO Chief Legal Adviser, Sir Michael Wood and his ex-Deputy Elizabeth Wilmshurst. …

    … Let us now move on to the next lie, which is being widely repeated, this time originated by Donald Trump, that Soleimani was responsible for the 「deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans」. This lie has been parroted by everybody, Republicans and Democrats alike. …

    … The final, and perhaps silliest lie, is Vice President Mike Pence』s attempt to link Soleimani to 9/11. There is absolutely no link between Soleimani and 9/11, and the most strenuous efforts by the Bush regime to find evidence that would link either Iran or Iraq to 9/11 (and thus take the heat off their pals the al-Saud who were actually responsible) failed. …

    … Soleimani actually was involved in intelligence and logistical cooperation with the United States in Afghanistan post 9/11 (the Taliban were his enemies too, the shia Tajiks being a key part of the US aligned Northern Alliance). He was in Iraq to fight ISIL. …

    … Soleimani is a high official in Iran who was present in Iraq as a guest of the Iraqi government, to which the US government is allied.
    This greatly exacerbates the illegality of his assassination still further.

    The political world in the UK is so cowed by the power of the neo-conservative Establishment and media, that the assassination of Soleimani is not being called out for the act of blatant illegality that it is. It was an act of state terrorism by the USA, pure and simple.

  8. That's about the stupidest thing Mr. Trump has done in his entire life! Now no US citizen will be safe traveling anywhere over seas and especially gov't officials will have to hole up in Washington D.C if they have any brains at all.

  9. History has shown the USa political culture its began and involved with assassination and infringement . 
    shame day for Humanity

  10. George your beloved UK working class support Boris Johnson and Donald Trump. Let the working class suffer capitalism. The working class are masochists


  12. There is an old saying: little children and fools have no right with sharp-edged tools. Which category therefore will you place Donald Trump in? Is he being childish or is he that stupid?

  13. I can't see thee Iranian stopping there…..Iran has the presence of Russia whim are conducting Naval MiLitary drills and China who have struck a infrastructure reform deal, so they are not going anywhere soon. Trump is being pushed into a corner with this impeachment so his back benchers are kind hoping for his loss of thinking straight.

  14. The world's oligarchs are hoping for a WW3 before the planet kills US ALL. War puppets are the only puppets allowed in our politics. Evil is cool, now.

  15. Pleaseee George give it a REST!!! This cycle of violence has been going on for decades! Iran started this recent escalation with the attack on the US Baghdad embassy via their Shia proxy militia/protesters. He is responsible for hundreds of American servicemen killed and wounded in Iraq via Iranian improved IEDs that shred body armor and up armored humvees. His intelligence network murder anyone and their entire families that assisted the Americans. In this shadow war George there is no international law that ANY party gives a damn! You are just surprised that THIS PRESIDENT said enough and actually did something about this! Pay Back a bitch!! As for retaliation sure but let』s be REAL George the Mullahs will be cautious staying in power/ survival is their only goal!
    So it goes

  16. George How else would US drone know one shot one kill location of Qassem Soleimani in Iraq ? I am guessing Iran internal politics and power struggle between Government of Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei versus Military General Qassem Soleimani. Iran asked Trump for help. Politics and Religions create problems. God loves everyone.

  17. In my opinion, the most war hungry country ever by far. USA!!!…"I wonder why"
    It has to stop someday,some how., or we all Doomed. Too much innocent blood just for greed.

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