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彭博社(Bloomberg)的QuickTake是一個全球新聞網路,可為新一代領導者提供有關最大新聞,趨勢和想法的最新分析。 。

  1. Trump understands what it takes to truly make China comply in these trade talks, and that is the imposition of more tariffs until the Asian country offer tangible solutions to the big problem of IP theft. Some insist that the talks are just about leveraging trade products and achieving economic parity, but these simply won』t happen unless we address the root of the issue, which is a decades-long culture among Chinese firms of stealing other nation』s businesses』 patents, copyrights, trade secrets, tech, and innovations. There』s pressure on the president, sure, especially from Democrats engaging in identity politics and big U.S. businesses who don』t want to rile up their Chinese investors and partners. Having said this, what』s most important is that the U.S. keep up the pressure and follow through on this fight to end IP theft, whether or not Trump gets reelected. We cannot just repeat the huge mistake of past policy makers, which is to take China』s threat on our national security for granted.


  2. China and America have reached a wonderful Beautiful deal, the best deal in the history of the World.I can』t tell you what is in it as I had to sign a Confidentiality clause. Sooo Good, I wrote the clause myself.

  3. Trump 2020! it's not much about the lower tariff, it's about to make sure China in check in their ideology trading business, copyright, etc.

  4. Donald Trump is a bad president and must resign from the democrats!

    – Because he doesn't start wars.

    – He likes beautiful women.

    – He is not a pedophile / black / female or transgender.

    – He does what he says.

    – He makes the American economy run like a madman.

    – He has made sure that hundreds of thousands of Americans have work and a job again.???

  5. Gee, Obama's strategy to fly cargo planes to our rivals pack-filled with $100 bills didn't act as deterrent?? It not really that Trump is some genius, it's just that he's awake at the wheel. He's different because he has the balls and thick enough hyde to make the blatantly obvious choice.

  6. This deal will never happen, China is in competition with the US for global hegemony, we are headed for a technological and economic war.

  7. Americans are pretty dumb people.
    Americans started an unnecessary trade war against China by taxing American consumers.
    This war, as most American fabricated wars, achieved nothing except to slow the global economy and make everyone loose.
    Trump will sure declare victory just like the fraudulent Bush's stupid "Mission Accomplished" banner !
    How idiotic!

  8. Dotard Trump wanted a contract, remember ? He can sign whatever he wants, but China is not going to give him a deal unless he reversed all tariffs. It's that simple. No deal is final answer. May the love and the peace of Jesus be with us.

  9. Even a demoRat can see President Trump makes better deals than they do with China. Ever notice how filthy politicians get rich after giving our money away.

  10. Donald Trump says he expects China purchases of Agricultural to hit $50 billion dollar, but China won't actually purchase that much agricultural products from the United States. China prefer to purchase agricultural products from Brazil which China wants to import natural resources from among other countries have natural resources that China want to import.

  11. Congratulations to the two great nations of USA and China! Wish more Win-Win cooperation between the biggest developed country and biggest developing country on earth !

  12. Now the House of Representatives dominated by the Socialist Democrats will wait to sign a couple of years to not give Trump a victory, although this deal boosts the economy even more, that's why I hate these Communist Democrats who want to destroy my country.


    STOP dealing with these COMMUNISTS!

    They will only buy "U.S." products from their own owned facilities!


  14. China is not buying any US soybean, they'd rather with Brazil and Russia.
    The US interference in HK and Xinjiang is pissing off China.

  15. Good, you people don't know what happen if he added the 25% tariff. We go into a recession and the world in a recession so we be there for 5 yr + the media don't show the tariff list but the most important is china feed us. Not kidding. China is a world country food wholesaler/ importer/ useing cheap container ships. And the own the fishing factory at sea. Food got tariff 15% already it's was going to get another 25% tariff .
    They are smart everyone buy food 4 times a week. And food and gas are not on the core inflation data report . So nobody know. And the media don't say. Here. Judge for your self

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