


為了更深入地了解貿易政策,全球經濟與農業之間的交匯點,「市場」的主持人Kai Ryssdal和他們的團隊在愛荷華州中北部富蘭克林縣的漢普頓小鎮與三個農業家庭一起度過了一段時間。另外,凱(Kai)有機會駕駛聯合收割機(John Deere 9670 STS)。



  1. First off, I GET that farmers are hurting. They are struggling and have been for a long time. Trump has been no friend to America, least of all to farmers. She was right, it is fair that the government (aka, you and I, our neighbors, etc) help farmers out because TRUMP (not you and I, not our neighbors) have gotten us into this mess. That should be fixed, never should have gotten to this point. With all do respect, I think the right answer to "Do you think that's right ? Do you think its fair?" It should have been a resounding NO. Is it fair that they are getting it? YES. Is it fair that they should have to get it? NO. We should haven't to be bailing out the farmers with federal money to compensate for money that the federal government has purposely lost for the farmers in the first place !! The market should be paying the fair price for the corn and the soybeans and the sweat and work equity that the farmers put into their product in the first place. Then we pay a fair price for the food that's produced and around and around it goes. Big corporations who were taking much more than their share before have now gotten even more emboldened with power. This big "tax reform" in 2017 – that nobody (American People) were calling for or even wanted – but yet was shoved down our throats did what ? Well, they say it was to stimulate business which was choked off by 35% tax rates (Isn't it funny the claim that billion dollar businesses suffocate when they have to "pay 35%" – but a married couple with 4 kids pays probably 40% (and they actually pay 40%) is supposed to be able to make it go on that – which we all do with the taxes put on us). Pure Bullshit. With all the loopholes and tax credits, none of them paid anywhere near that and a lot of the big businesses weren't even paying any TAXES. NONE. ZERO. Prior ot the 2017 "Tax Reform" seems like a good average tax rate for companies was about 1/2 of 35%, some even lower so 16% to 10% to 6% and lower to Zero. And a good handful of them – WE PAID THEM!!!! How is it that they MAKE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR. THEY PAY NO TAXES – NONE. AND THEY STILL GET REFUNDS FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. We're all getting hurt by the greed of DC, the greed of Corporations, the greed of Lobbyists. It pains me to see that it's hurting our hard working farmers the most. Farms committing suicide, 100 year old family farms going out of business – this is the price we are all paying. No government subsidizes will bring those back.

  2. Why are we paying subsides to farmers? They are running a business and selling there products to a foreign country. Not America. They should be allowed to go out of business like anyone else.

  3. April Hemmes aced her interview! Small town folks are truly incredible people.
    Our small town high school class valedictorian was a football player whose father owned a farm.
    She was right about food, people have to eat. And no matter how addicted they are to tech,
    they sure as heck can't eat it. Well put, April! Well put!

  4. If I could just comment here. He spoke with SOY and CORN farmers! We aren't eating that shit in America! and most of that corn gets turned into High Fructose Corn Syrup which has been proven to double fat storage more than table sugar, It's not like they are growing strawberries, or broccoli or something… I'm not saying I don't care, but if they grew stuff Americans ACTUALLY ate, they wouldn't be struggling rn.

  5. Any deal with China that doesn't include restitution for stolen intellectual property, and fails to address China's violations of the Geneva Accords in the international shipping lanes and sovereign territories they have invaded… would be a loss. Trump is inept to the task at hand, and only wants the appearance of a "win", so his worshippers will blindly vote in the upcoming election; all the while getting bent over by Winnie the Pooh.
    ??? HERE'S WHY:

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