
福克斯新聞社國家安全分析師Walid Phares討論了美國殺死Qassem Soleimani之後美國與伊朗之間日益緊張的局勢以及戰爭的可能性。 #FoxBusiness
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  1. Iran don't need an army, they have sleeper cells in our own country they can activate at will, Trump has now endangered everyone with his distraction stunt on impeachment. It takes a real twisted mind to push us further into war just to be reelected. Thank you repub voters, how many more psychotics will you be voting for in 2020?

  2. If Qassem Soleimani has been such a big threat to thousands of American lives, then why did Donald Trump choose to demonize MS-13 as a high priority threat. Why are immigrants such a priority. All this time our lives were in danger, and we didn't even know it and Donald Trump did know. What kind of president waits just before the end of his term to act on such a high national security threat? I guess the Wall was suppose to keep the Iranians out.

  3. This Rat ? they killed had it coming along time!!! Bush jr passed Obama passed! He was getting ready to start killing US soldiers again! He was behind the attack on the US embassy and rocket attacks!! Iran be very careful about your next move! Iran could end up in the Stone Age like Bedrock !

  4. The Obama policy of appeasement ended in January 2017. The Trump Policy is America First with peace through strength. The America First policy uses diplomacy, economic, and military measures. When a rogue regime crosses the red line then there will be consequences. After 18 months of Iranian aggression against the world, they crossed the red line.

  5. Only problem is we』ve never had any diplomatic relationships or understandings with Iran; they have always, for forty years, lied to us—exactly like Arafat』s plo always did, 「tell them anything they want to hear and continue doing what we want to do」).

  6. If Trump took out any iran military facility now that is an act of war, the bombing of pearl harbor is an act of war, he took out one terrorist that set up an attack on our embassy is that an ACT OF WAR?

  7. Thank you President Trump! New warfare with drones and satellites we know everything these weak murdering fools do everyday!

  8. Maaan anyone who thinks Iran won』t be crawling with foreign 「overseers」 and 「consultants」 operating foreign ordnance and managing other assets should a conflict arise is deluded. This is an opportunity other foreign powers won』t pass up.

    This is going to be another proxy war and the U.S has spread itself much too thin.

  9. Alot of tough talk in the comments. Iran is a pawn for Russia and China. Don't underestimate these communists, especially China, they own us. It goes deeper than airstrips and ground wars.

  10. Not a world war when the world is going after 1 country that's implemented terrorism world wide. Every country would love to see Iran the biggest terrorist sponsored country in the world be completely destroyed.

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