
香港警方在臉書上上傳了一段視頻,說暴徒使用各種武器襲擊持反對意見的人,將法律掌握在自己手中。該視頻還說,在過去六個月中,有很多假新聞在警察身上抹黑。 #香港

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  1. The US just got a taste of their own medicine in the US Embassy in Baghdad. The US response is to send in 4000 marines. President Xi you have your precedent. The next time these fascist thugs threaten the Peoples Republic citizens, property and flag use the Trump response. The PLA. Hahahaha the US clowns are crying over their embassy.

  2. Yes, lots of fake news from yellow presses and media, but why not arrest them all? Support the police chief to use stronger force to control the riots.

  3. You openly tried to lie and convince people that the term cockroach was an endearing term. we can see right through your lies, CGTN. HKPolice and the Chinese Communist Party.

  4. The Chinese Communist Party would like you to know that the HK protest was all started by the CIA and it had nothing to do with the extradition bill. We don't need some treaty to extradite anyone because we've got our fine agents for that. Just ask the five HK booksellers and they will tell you how efficient our agents are.

  5. Joshua Wong 樣都衰個人 represent only the cockroaches (tough only in groups) of HK as well as the blind sheep following mis-information. As Vietnamese origin, hatred for the communist is in his blood. He think he can be the next Dr. Sun Yat Sen….Father of Hong Kong. SENT HIM TO VIETNAM or the US.

  6. My favourite "fearless protesters" clip. Happened Christmas Eve. Tonight is New Years Eve..Repeat?….It thought it could fly. See link @ Proof beyond doubt c o c k r o a c h e s CANNOT FLY. …SPLAT !!! Hope All others one will try too. New Year Eve??? Hope So .

  7. China is full of mercy ! God is just waiting for these rioters to reach their zenith of rot before He WIPES THEM OUT!

    May God Bless CHiNA for keeping JEWS safe when the west can』t !


  8. Call in the army to restore law and order. The police can't handle this situation as it has been ongoing for months. These rioters have not thought of repercussions of their violent actions. Nobody win.

  9. Why tell us what we already know. Do something! Govt should engage mercenaries to restore order. No more taking pity on rioters.

  10. Well that』s how HK celebrate Xmas and New Years …Young and stupid…the population of the world almost 7 billion too crowded and HK only have 7 millions people…that』s meant nothing for China to worry and concern…let them freedom to destroy themselves…

  11. In this day of age, you can either choose to live in fear under the government or the protesters. Choose wisely because it's the only true democracy you'll only ever have.

  12. The police have killed countless protesters that』s fact. Even the Hong Kong firefighters have said the police have murdered many protesters and dumped the bodies in parks and in public places and in the ocean and called it suicide. The police are the ones starting all the violence. You want it to end. That』s easy. Carrie steps down. Fair elections held to replace her. Five demands meet and the protest stops. Simple as that. Hk revenge our brothers and sisters death by the police until last man standing.

  13. Good for Macau and other neighbouring countries who are benefiting from the HK riots. I just hope the riots will never stop. Let it goes back to the past like backwaters. HK youngsters are too arrogant, naive, etc. If they are not happy, immigrate to where they think suit their political preferences. Don't destroy the country which their forefathers so painstakingly built.

  14. Seriously, are they gonna continue this insane riot during Lunar New Year?! Like the yellow vest in France on Christmas and New Year's Eve??
    This is intolerable!!

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