
唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)喜歡吹噓股市的表現如何,但他也對自上任以來市場經歷的最糟糕的日子負責。就在本周,總統宣稱與中國的貿易戰可能會拖延2020年大選,而大選立即使市場下跌了400點。 《指環王》的法倫·考辛斯(Farron Cousins)解釋了為什麼特朗普對經濟如此不利。










唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)喜歡吹噓自他擔任美國總統以來股票市場的發展。夥計,你猜怎麼著?是的,是的,在大多數情況下,股市一直在上漲,因為這就是股市所做的。新公司進來了,只要我們不處於全面的衰退或蕭條中,隨著時間的推移,股票的確會繼續逐步走高,而在奧巴馬政府期間並沒有發生在布希期間,因為你知道,他很糟糕。但是他們現在正在特朗普的領導下發生,但並不總是如此。不總是。您知道,當今的股票市場存在一個問題,它實際上只會影響到收入最高的1%人群,但它的確也會影響到那些將這些退休金投資於股票市場的人。這就是為什麼這很重要。只是有錢人賠錢。

我不會花一秒鐘的時間,但是我們確實有一些普通工作的美國人,他們的退休金也被綁在了股票市場上。因此,這一點很重要。但是無論如何,本周早些時候,唐納德·特朗普提到,嘿,你猜怎麼著?您知道我正在努力與中國達成這項貿易協議。我可能會在2020年總統大選之後這樣做,對嗎?不必著急。為什麼,為什麼,為什麼在不需要推動時將其推進。這是來自最近才告訴我們的那個人,呃,你知道,中國,與中國就貿易戰進行的談判正在進行得很順利。他們是完美的。哦,我們很快就會達成交易。因此,本周他說,是的,我不知道,也許在選舉之後,誰知道?這立即使股市暴跌了約400點,標誌著股市連續第三天遭受重大損失,使情況變得更糟。然後,你有了唐納德·特朗普的生意,秘書威爾伯·羅斯(Wilbur Ross)從睡夢中醒來,進入CNBC,並說總統在任何時候都沒有完成交易的壓力。嗯,市場也不喜歡聽到這一點。當他說可能會在大選之後發生時,這已經夠糟糕了。然後,您會昏昏欲睡,威爾伯·羅斯(Wilbur Ross)進來說,誰在趕時間?所有人都坐下來享受貿易戰,因為正如威爾伯·羅斯(Wilbur Ross)也說過的那樣,這將使中國失去影響力。



#rof #trofire #theringoffire #progressivenews。

  1. Trump wanted his name on some towers in China. And, he wanted to sell some of his daughter's merchandise there. Remember?

    He doesn't actually want to hurt China. And, definitely, not Russia.

    Tariffs help HIM.

    How? By inflating prices.

    If our economy crashes, he'll buy property low.

    The 1% will make a killing–literally.

    It's a Ponzi scheme.

    Warren Buffet has his cash ready.

    Somewhere, around 2085, one person will own the entire planet–through pure Capitalism.

    Who's it going to be?

  2. What do you expect with your fleet sail around like a bunch of idiots playing good guys.
    Well not everyone jumps when you snap your fingers.
    Just print more money so your economy looks so much bigger. Fools

  3. Heres the thing. China doesnt have to deal. Now that they see how they can hurt the economy of their greatest rival it would be in there best interest to tell america to sit on it.

  4. is anyone surprised that this administration is showing its complete inability to govern.. well unless you are a moron who only watches fox news then the greatest president in history is doing a great job,,a lot of damage will have to be repaired by the next president to restore Americas world standing..this clown and his band of spineless butt lickers has to go

  5. And small farmers will still overwhelmingly support the GOP, even as more of them are forced out of business. Same as the 80's, this is all by design. Better that Dumpy forces them out rather than Hillary is how their thinking goes.

  6. This scumfuck has been manipulating the stock market for his family and associates gains, abusing his power once again, over and over, this is fucking ridiculous, and America looks like a bunch of ignorant fucks.

  7. Wake up people, trump has this country in quicksand we are sinking faster than the titanic and the man won't throw us a rope god help us. ?????

  8. The farming market is going down., People's are selling there land to pay off taxes and land mortgage? Nobody making a profit.

  9. He is going to do great things after the election. We all better vote for him so we can see what that is. Said no one with a functioning brain.

  10. This is why I』m tempted to believe the market will crash when he』s impeached. He might make good on his threat to tank it by 10,000 points. It may not even be him doing it either, but someone behind him that has more power. We shall see when he gets convicted.

  11. Trump loves power so much that he loves that he can say a sentence and the world is in crisis, he doesn't care (unless it's his pockets) who it affects (Americans or not) he loves the fact that he can destroy lives with a word or an action. This man will have to be dragged out of the white house in a straitjacket because he will never admit defeat.

  12. The Chinese are in the driver's seat now and will wait till this clown is gone. Trump hasn't delivered on anything, he babbles but can't get anyone to sign anything

  13. Did anybody actually fact check? It didn't tank. Was this video was prepared two weeks ago? A month ago it was 27602. It peaked 11/27 to 28160, dipped to 27502K 12/3, and returned to 28015K by 12/9. I'm a bit bored with your standard tirade.

  14. Tramp Americans are so sick of the crap coming out of your mouth and the stocks go down and then he says maybe we will be talking and then they go. Omfg ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ No one will be talking with Tramp because he is a idiot and they all know it. Plz American ppl don』t listen to this loser in chief. He needs to go.

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