
12月29日-香港經濟將在第四季度萎縮,因為該市擺脫了六個月的劇烈社會動蕩。羅莎琳德·欽(Rosalind Chin)報道了「彭博黎明:澳大利亞」。 。

  1. The Economy is the responsibility of the incompetent Government for hiding behind the police brutality and ignoring its people! ?? start looking and listening!

  2. You know Mike – The American economy shrank in the years 1775 -1781, then we bounced back, so stop with this continuous businessman's whining about the effects of standing with Honk Kong. The price of Freedom – the value of Democracy – that is all we have in the end.

  3. hahahah.Time to start making noodles from plastic.Lets see how the 50 cent CCP will troll after that with that in the stomach XD

  4. These direct and overt interference in HK, Xinjiang, Taiwan and with Huawei worldwide, will not bode well for the US.
    China will not buy any US soybean etc so long as they persists on antagonizing China.

  5. Various types of riot or so-called protest on every week totally ruining HK. The normal HK citizens will not going out, foreigner and mainland toirists will not come to hk, then hk will be in a recession very soon. please take time click into the link, as a hk citizen, im so sad and would let everyone know the real happened in my place. Its not a peaceful protest, but only a violence and vadalism on the city

  6. These HK rioters ruin Christmas for everyone including retailers and they plan to ruin New Years too!!!
    They were also busy to be throwing petrol bombs in the streets during traffic and setting HSBC bank on fire…

  7. The pro-authoritarian parts of HK's economy are clearly suffering more than the pro-democracy parts. The question is: How much more? In a battle of attrition, who can hold out longer?

  8. Meanwhile, Macau citizens celebrate christmas happily and peacefully.
    Their per capita income had rise up to the 3rd of the world after 20years under 1country two systems.

  9. Of course the HK economy must go into recession. You cannot have the kind of terror.ist activities on the streets of HK and expect anything but continuing economic decline perhaps until HK becomes a wastekand. The protesters can all emigrate to the USA and Britain and cobtinue their protests there as they lick the boots of their former colonial masters.

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