



  1. It's a War on Labor Rights. Not a "Trade War".

    Import Tariffs are an issue because Labor Rights in America are have been circumvented by 2 complicit Parties of Corporatists since 1985 when the DLC was formed by the Clinton's among other criminals posing as Opposition of some kind, pandering with every word about Democracy and Justice, competing only for which group of Investors get's the Lion's Share of theft from the Public and abuse of the World using our Government.

  2. China didn't come to the US and TAKE our jobs, American CEOs gave them our jobs. What will Trump do about American CEOs other than give them huge tax cuts while the rest of us pay more?

  3. I'm kind of warming up to Trump. I have despised him much of his term but IDK I'm a little impressed with him recently. He's becoming more presidential.

  4. This lying clown and his media pals got rich from economically cannibalizing our country, selling off our manufacturing and destroying our people with their twisted pro drug anti family anti American media. He and his friends want to import and sell, no matter how bad it is for the rest of us.

  5. Political will? Funny … US would loose, as US will depends on corporates, which benefit from manufacturing from China.

  6. Strategy … Bully China for profit. The American way. Lie, cheat, bully … for profits … Why? America benefitted from low cost production in China, then bully for more …

  7. Very true . . . "If we don't know our own goals, it's very hard to have a win at the end." And part of the cause for our uncertain goals is the executive administration (the presidency) can change every four years. So trade negotiations with China are unequal because their executive will be in office indefinitely. And China can present a much more consistent negotiating front. DUH !!!!!!

  8. the reporters are just depicting a distorted picture of trump. Of course the deal is a strategy. Only stupid guy do things without strategy and put people on fire.

  9. How can any sane individual say that Trump's trade war had method in the beginning? It NEVER had method because that requires thought and the ability to play international chess and Trump has not even the ability to string two thoughts together. Whoever said the trade war had method is reading into it something it never had. Trump had zero idea of how dependent many farmers and manufacturers had become on China for a market and as a supplier of components .Trump is an ignoramus on a scale never seen by someone in any government job, even the office janitor and the tea boy are far more aware of the complex nature of international trade whereas Trump is totally clueless. The people who pay for the trade war are not the Chinese as Trump would have Americans believe, it is the American citizen who pays by losing their farm and losing their manufacturing job and through the wallet with increased prices on many every day items.

  10. You serve us badly by undermining executive strategy. Tariffs achieve 2 things: cut off CCP expansionism under disguise of Globalism, and and paradoxically shift liquidity from the supply side to consumers. The best outcome is no outcome until China reforms from within. Again tariffs help consumers more than they hurt. Look at the numbers, inductive logic. The economic formula supports these findings too. Do you want a predictable leader on the battlefield? Make no mistake. This is a battlefield.

  11. No. "Madness" is spending millions of dollars on a presidential campaign you have about as much chance of winning as I do.
    And I won't spend .01¢

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