
香港已成為2019年的新聞。在此視頻中,我們將介紹其經濟,政治和美食!我們將與香港人交談,看看主要景點!香港到底是怎麼回事?讓我們看看真正的香港! #香港 。

  1. Hongkong's economy and livelihood rely 100% on communist China. HK made its wealth by behaving as a middleman for China's foreign trade. it is communist China that made HK rich. HK can live without capitalism or democracy, but HK cannot live without communist China.

  2. most of the hong kong people were anger at police illegal and unjustified action, like violating protocol and necessary force

  3. Hong Kong citizens do not really understand western values such as fair wages for workers, as is evident by there use of lowly paid maids that most people in HK employ to clean there houses and wash there clothes. There are two classes of people in HK.

  4. Nice video of HK. It is a beautiful place and it is a real shame people are willing to destroyed such a great place. I suspect their is a lot of miss understanding between HK and China. Many China city have caught up to HK and any wealthy area, housing is always a issues. This is expected. If you want opportunities, convenience there is cost. People come to NZ and complain being too quiet and not much around. But we can all afford our own home.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful information,I learned a lots about Hongkong ,someday I will visit,Happy new year and god bless and peace grace to all of us,

  6. Hope Hong Kong younger people come to China Mainland to seek Jobs and do start ups. Near by Shenzhen city has much more space and opportunities.

  7. why hk look so much better in this video even though i am a hkner .
    Do you add some magic to the camera or what…?
    good job though.

  8. So The British Colonisation did leave behind some good things right?!
    I mean Australia, USA, Hong Kong were once British colonies that now thrive whereas most Spanish, Portuguese, German and French ex Colonies haven』t done nearly as well.

  9. Hainan has an excellent location and is close to the south China sea, which is the intersection of two oceans and two continents. It is a maritime corridor from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean and it has an area the size of 35 Hong Kong islands.
    The plan for the construction of the trade port in Hainan will be completed in four stages:
    1. The exploration phase, from 2018 to 2020: implementing the overall plan for the Hainan pilot free trade zone such as zero tariffs, low tax rate, decentralized approval, etc.
    2. The initial establishment phase, from 2020 to 2025: the free port policy and system, first-class business environment. If this phase is completed, the status of the Hong Kong free trade zone will be completely replaced by the Hainan free trade zone.
    3. The phase of continuous deepening, from 2025 to 2035: maturity process: a new dynamic system of a free and open economy with the best business environment.
    4. The phase of full maturity, from 2035 to 2050: It will become the hub of global trade – the world's largest modern free trade port with a highly liberal and modernized institutional system.

  10. very nice 4K clips! if CCP hands off Hong Kong, then it will function as usual. After these 200+ days uprising, it is not the same Hong Kong as usual , it is a Police State owned Hong Kong – as no visitor wants to be detained or raped for no reason

  11. Thank Mr Tang, the new police chief. He arrested over a thousand terrorists, many skipped bail and left the city. The left over are not real fighters. The riots have died down. The numbers showing up in the protests are highly reduced..from less than a hundred to 40,000. Don't believe in Reuters reports which were written by interns who are rioters themselves. The pro-D ppl and legislators use their tabloids like Apple Daily to lie to the ppl Most of them re of Vietnamese descent. They were told to hate China bc their parents blamed China for losing their country and family fortune. The proD legislators and their stars are mostly Vietnamese. The NED gave them two grants, which are money appropriated by the US congress through the state department. They have grown to 250,000. How can you force them to pledge allegiance to China when they are Vietnamese. Of course, they want independence. They are the poor ones. They dont mind getting arrested bc jails are bigger than their homes. Their parents work long hours and never home. Their young ppl see no future and their only hope is to wave the American flag, hoping America will give them asylum so that they can come to America to join their relatives.

  12. As a hong kong people I am so happy to see you make this video and get a lot of views!It is clearly introduced hong kong local living style.
    Moreover, I hope all viewers will more take serious of why and what we are protest. This is about the threat from China who want to control world by money(Don't you remember NBA and South Park?)
    Hong Kong is warning to World how evil China is.
    Go to Instagram and search standwithhk_!There will have more information!

    btw bless all of you can enjoy freedom every day?( and feel sorry you need to read this message in bad english, I really try my best

  13. nowadays when I see Hong Kong's police I feel so afraid coz I have seen how they brutally beat and killing innocent young university students of Hong Kong. please support Hong Kong for it's Freedom.

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