伊朗將如何應對美國殺害卡塞姆·索萊馬尼(Qassem Soleimani)的事件? | DW新聞

全球大國警告說,在美國對伊拉克巴格達機場的空襲中,伊朗革命衛隊精銳古德部隊負責人伊朗將軍Qassem Soleimani被殺後,世界變得更加危險。伊朗最高領導人阿亞圖拉·阿里·哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)宣布為死將軍舉行全國哀悼活動,為期三天。索萊馬尼(Soleimani)被視為德黑蘭在中東軍事行動的建築師。據報道,美國總統唐納德·特朗普下令發動襲擊。那麼,Qassem Soleimani是誰,伊朗將如何回應?

#Soleimani #DonaldTrump#伊朗

  1. What is he talking about at the end….saying the US is not prepared for a fight or Armed Forces retaliation……….The US is the most ready for a fight country in the world. …..The US is the most active Armed Forces in the world….they are everywhere.

  2. Now see a wave of attacks happening against USA and other western countries. Then Trump will blame islamaphobia. Thanks Trump for introducing ww3??

  3. Iran has issued a terrifying warning to the US as it raised a red flag over the Holy dome jamkaram mosque for the very first time in the Iranian history as a symbol of severe battle to come.

  4. What if people refuse to fight on behalf of this greed and corruption? No war. People own their governments. All we have to do is all stop paying taxes and refuse to fight in unison, we could reset the entire game.

  5. This was a direct show of power by the American military there is no hide and seek when your plan involves trying to kill americian. Good job trump

  6. Iran is a relatively small country but is it small enough?
    The 'World Bully' has managed to conduct an almost constant war for the last few decades being very careful to pick on small fry. Particularly since their massively expensive but badly trained and led military had their bums kicked in Vietnam. Compare their casualty rates with their allies. It's so much higher there can only be one conclusion.
    The military/industrial complex, the second largest industry on the planet, makes an obscene amount of money out of these wars and virtually runs the country.
    As an Australian Vietnam veteran I am appalled that these greedy bastards see investment in decent training and leadership as an unnecessary expense. Thoroughly honourable US service people are expendable cannon fodder, useful only to fill the pockets of the armaments industry.

  7. The intelligence that Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence and others have been claiming supported the "assassination of a foreign official", is illegal and was just as absurd as Pence』s tweet. IMPOTUS IMPEACHMENT DISTRACTION causes a WAR! Where is the "imminent attack" evidence…Americans want TRANSPARENCY not Geopolitical WAR!!

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