

在2019年12月29日的電視辯論中,台灣總統蔡英文(Tsai Ing-wen)說,這個自治島正面臨來自中國大陸的威脅。在內戰分裂之後,北京認為台灣是中國的一部分。蔡英文競選連任第二次,與國民黨主要對手韓國民和人民第一黨宋楚瑜競爭。選舉將於2020年1月11日舉行。


  1. Tsai's government do not allow democracy or freedom of speech, they are real dictatorship. See how they apply double standards to the opposite parties in many occasions. Whoever comment to their policies will be investigated or arrested.
    They also have power to investigate any conversations using LINE or facebook. This is terrible.

  2. Opinions on Tsai aside, "Opening up" to Chinese links does not magically solve all of Taiwan's problems. You have a slowing global economy, the local industries have plateaued, and capitalist forces are attempting to hoard the wealth at the top. Free trade agreements with mainland China only benefit the capitalist class and executives who will not let the profits trickle down into the working class. Singapore is also being tempted by these concepts which will erode its successful public housing policy and erode the middle class.

    Indeed, there is a problem of "today Hong Kong, tomorrow Taiwan." But it's not the problem you think it is. Don't fall into the late-stage capitalism trap like Hong Kong did, where the tycoons hoard the most important commodities: land and housing. Taiwan must keep its cost of living stable and fiercely defend its middle class.

    Asking rhetorical questions like Han did is intellectually dishonest and aimed primarily at putting blame on Tsai and poor relations with mainland China for all of Taiwan's "stagnation."

  3. Actually, Republic of China's (Taiwan – if you do not know who is Republic of China) democrats is threatened by you, current president.

  4. This is absolutely garbage, she could always maintain the status quo of the Republic of China (official name for Taiwan) but she chose to antagonise the mainland, of course when push comes to shove the mainland is gonna react. She's using the mainland as a scapegoat for her failing policies, wages have been stagnant and cost of living has been rising, thousands of businesses have closed down, many young Taiwanese leaving in droves to mainland to work and study yet she tries to scapegoat? Desperate times for tsai-ing wen. This upcoming election is going to prove a pivotal time to tell if the Taiwanese electorates are smart and can see through her charade, or be fearful and gullible to her scapegoating.

  5. Tsai Ing-wen has done nothing to improve the well being of its economy. High unemployment and slow growth . A failed person in power. If Taiwan keeps her for a further term, what true hope do the people have? Don't vote for this loser!

  6. I wonder if the democratic, her are getting creamed again LOL going to be so funny. She not even a Taiwan but a transplant to make trouble

  7. To those who think that China isn't a big deal to Taiwan's presidential election, I will ask this: do you remember the first presidential election in Taiwan (R.O.C.) in 1996? Even if the KMT was in the lead back then, mainland China responded to the first free and democratic election in Chinese history and society by testing and sending missiles in the Taiwan strait, just a few kilometers away from Taiwan's coast, which could have lead to a war between the R.O.C, the P.R.C. and the U.S. back then. The CCP is always using "cry-baby" bullying when something doesn't fit its agenda.

  8. Half the time Taiwanese politicians talk about is China messing around..why not just focus on building your "country" and strengthening your economy!!!!

  9. If we believe what people are saying online and in the news…most likely Tsai Ing Wen will win a second term.
    If she does win, it's more likely due to people's feelings towards KMT…not necessarily Han Kuo Yu, Mainland China or even Tsai herself.

  10. If the chinese are willing to buy stolen American nuclear secrets from the I s r a e l i s then they are more than willing to mess with Formosa.

  11. Tsai Shameful personal LSE scandal turns shame on ROC before 2020 !

    Liar DIY cheatings ,fraud turn Tsai in Jail for sure ,

    detain all property overseas included , return all these years ROC wages!!

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