卡塞姆·索萊馬尼(Qasem Soleimani):美國在巴格達的空襲中殺死了伊朗最高將軍-BBC新聞


這位62歲的老人率領伊朗精英Quds Force領導伊朗在中東的軍事行動。

星期五早些時候,在美國總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)命令的罷工中,他與其他伊朗支持的民兵在巴格達機場遇難。



伊朗最高領導人阿亞圖拉·阿里·哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)說,襲擊事件背後的「嚴厲報復行動正在等待罪犯」。他還宣布了為期三天的全國哀悼。


  1. Bully. Get out from Middle East. It doesn't belongs to America and stop meddling in other countries' business.

  2. Their are "No Winners" in the next world war. The Russians or the Chinese do not want to go to war with America. However, they are preparing for a war with America. And when this action between these nations take place, it will be cataclysmic. It will bring about a time of great affliction for the people of the earth. There will be an end to the already stressed ecology of the earth. The ice caps both northern and southern, will be obliterated during the next world war, and the rain forest around the globe. Their are no true winners! No victory parades, by the nation that may seem to have acquire military supremacy. Their will be much sorrow, and tribulation.

  3. …..And the BBC covers it from the Iranian point of view, almost revering General Soleimani, which is no great surprise really. So, have they learned nothing? if this incarnation of the BBC were there in 1939, I can imagine them reporting Churchill's declaration of war on Nazi Germany as an unprovoked attack on a Sovereign State! Myself? I don't think Orange Man has made a good decision here. Either that or he really is a genius truly working to end America's continuous war. Only time gonna tell now…..

  4. Doesn't the world see that a man who is not even fit to be president of the U.S is certainly not in a position to instruct Ariel attack which is now going to result in major death across the world?

  5. Iran does not have power to fight the US, and this awfully brutal peice of garbage had to be taken out. He is responsible for tons of Americans death and it was a payday for him.

  6. America isn't in a situation to handle a WWIII scenario. "UNITED WE STAND/DIVIDED WE FALL was our motto since day one. As we enter 2020, we are the United States, only in name, now. It would be misleading to call ourselves a United States. We need to unfμ©k our home team relationship or its a wrap.

  7. many US citizens struggle to get healthcare because of its exorbitant fees, meanwhile the goverment is increasingly more than ready to not give a sh** about citizens and invest in military instead of caring for its own people.

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