聖誕夜,成千上萬的香港抗議者聚集在購物中心| MSNBC

在商場集會變得混亂之後,香港警察發射催淚瓦斯驅散反政府示威者。 19/24/24播出。

MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow Show,《早晨喬》,《每日見面》,與Ari Melber的節拍,《 Deadline:White House with Nicolle Wallace》,《 Hardball》,《 All In,Last Word》,《 11th Hour》等影片中查找視頻片段和片段。


聖誕夜,成千上萬的香港抗議者聚集在購物中心| MSNBC。

  1. Communist China seems to not care at all about its public image lol. Beating people in broad daylight in one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world.

  2. The protesters are anti UK , anti America and anti Europe. The luxury shops are all foreign brands and they are trashing the mall so customers cannot go and spend money. They are also anti Christianity because they would not take couple days off to honor the religious holiday.They vandalized the British Bank HSBC over the holiday for the frozen account of Sparks Alliance which allegedly had laundry money in the name of getting crowd donations to help rioters if they get caught by police. They also trashed a Starbucks inside a mall over the Christmas holiday to add to the many Starbucks they had trashed and destroyed in the last few months.

  3. Q: Why is this being reported on from London??? A: Press freedoms are being undermined by the very brutality that you see in this footage…

  4. They know what』s coming…… Hong Kong was free, democratic. They will be enrolled in mainland China』s suppressed regime.

  5. XI jimping is attacking peaceful protesters and now he wants to take over Hong Kong the most famous civil rights capital for china and now its under attack by the dictator XI jimping

  6. Freedom Hong Kong,Shut down the Chinese Internet,Impeachment of the President of Hong Kong,香港自由,關閉中國互聯網,彈劾香港總統。

  7. Wish more fellow Americans were protesting and marching against Trump and Republican's attacks against our democracy. A strong democracy in America would also help insure democracy in Hong Kong. Unfortunately we don't have that. It's hurting us, and is hurting people around the world–not just in Hong Kong, or China, or Russia, or North Korea, or Saudi Arabia, or the Philippines, or all the other places where this President looks the other way at the rampant abuses of civil-rights and human-rights, encouraging further abuses.

  8. could something like those kind destructive Hongkongneses allowed in United States? NO . they should be killed by police, or entrapped by army . FERGUSON By example.

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