





  1. Hk people have already proven to the world that 2 million of them, are CAPABLE of peaceful protest! So it』s obvious who is behind the violence. The Hk people voted in recent district elections and the main Carrie Lam party LOST to pro-democracy candidates by landslide! The HK people have spoken through their votes! They are entitled to peaceful protests under Basic Law. Why is police still battering protestors for exercising their rights?

  2. Protesters are such morons for destroying their own city for this feeble notion of freedom. When their parents lose their jobs and the foreign funding withdraws….. then they will realise the damage they have done to their otherwise good lives.

  3. I used to be pro gun control. The governments of the world including the United States have become so corrupt now, everyone should hang on to all their guns.

  4. Why allowed yourself to b use by america against your own country, why allowed a kid Joshua Wong to lead he is a mp with high salary what about most the protesters r u set like Joshua, u think usa will come to your aid, usa always left halfway like in Vietnam n Korea war, USA can't take on China so they creat chaos in HK, if u have a friend like usa who needs enemy

  5. protesters number had dropped sharply….these jokers can't get large numbers to the streets like a few months ago. So they moved to crowded malls to create chaos….

    it is a dying cause…nobody will bother. nothing will change.

  6. I am so glad we can shop freely and safely without this kind of nonsense here in our beloved Singapore. Thank you Singapore government for keeping us safe and orderly!

  7. Each time I did something bad at school , my parents got summoned by the headmaster ! Wonder how busy would be for the parents of those bad kids nowadays !

  8. If your teachers and parents don』t teach you to behave as a good citizen , let the law teach you ! Somebody just need to learn manners in a hard way ! ?

  9. When police were hard for several weeks and sieged the universities things calmed. Then they turned soft again and riots resurfaced. The rioters are alike bullies you have to stand up to them – if stopping violence means brutality then so be it.

  10. Greetings to Ubadian Dynasty PRC. Please consider Pluto as a Planet. (5 moons) Astronomical union delibertly in cahoots with finiancial sanctions, cant buy sell without mark of america? Price Look up, t owe. We at our level cannot realize this form of functionality, but at the level it belongs empowerment to break the power of evil and its sanctions. Efforts. Siberian Tiger Hu Lin

  11. Honestly the police should just let the protesters go for this period. Like during Christmas, retail sales usually are much higher. But no, they decided to fight during this period

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