
Natixis首席經濟學家約瑟夫·拉沃尼亞(Joseph Lavorgna)加入了CNBC的梅利莎·李(Melissa Lee)和快速貨幣交易員皮特·納哈里安(Pete Najarian),蒂姆·西摩(Tim Seymour),卡倫·菲納曼(Karen Finerman)和蓋伊·阿達米(Guy Adami),這是貿易戰的真正代價。儘管出現了連續三天的下跌,但道瓊斯指數上漲了100多點。

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  1. Dow Jones Index jumped over 300 points today, again breaking 28,000 point mark. Look at how amazingly President Trump handled our country economy! Gasoline prices have been quite stable despite the instability of the oil production in the Persian Gulf. The ISIS was gone after its leader al-Baghdadi and its second commander were eliminated. The border wall is going up miles and miles day by day, and the birth tourism fraud is all going to end soon. All of these like miracles happened in just under 3 years of Trump presidency! Those bitchy Democrats are incompetent sore losers, they need to stay away from our beloved President Trump. If Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are unable to handle the crises of homelessness and human waste in the state of California, how can they handle US economy-the largest on the planet earth with even more complicated issues? HOW? Stay away from our President Trump and, let him do the job, OK!

  2. fed has rates at 1.75 and this idiot says we need more cuts? Fed is the only thing keeping the market going with injections every night yet they NEVER mention it

  3. Looking forward to a Santa ?? Claus rally ☃️

    Bitcoin shirt sponsors Watford FC ⚽️ up against Leicester City in the EPL tonight ???????

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  4. Ehhh….
    "Tell me where you find 12% growth?"
    So you're not actually predicting a bull market, which would be a proper bull market.
    You're using word salad to obfuscate the fact that the market is stalled, but, in Joseph Lavorgna's defense, the causes of that stall are more profound than "The Trade War".

    Every critical indicator in both China and the USA is indicating extreme financial distress.

    If MSNBC wants to report financial news, they should be reporting on the critical indicators, like the US Repo market, or estimating Chinese agricultural imports; Instead of doing actual journalism, they're framing this opinion piece as news.

    Unless Joseph Lavorgna's going to announce a stupidly large stock acquisition, probably shouldn't tout this as news, and if he does do that, probably shouldn't put that out there, as it could be viewed as stock manipulation.

  5. This guy is a muppet, the only reason this market has gone up is because trump keeps tweeting about a trade deal will happen soon, and when there is doubt it goes down

  6. There is an assumption with all these commentators that Trump is acting, not reacting, from a position of power. He sounds utterly childish and out of control speaking in London… I』m thinking it might even be better to make a deal next year, I wouldn』t say that but that』s what I』m thinking…!??! There is also an assumption that if Trump imposes new tariffs that China won』t push back. People tend to forget that foreign affiliate sales by US companies inside China would almost cancel out the trade deficit.

  7. Supply chains take years to change or implement; it doesn't change from you taking about it. I don't know where they found this clown

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