

最重要的是結束1994年比爾·柯林頓(Bill Clinton)擔任總統時生效的《北美自由貿易協定》。重新談判的條約稱為《美國-墨西哥-加拿大(USMCA)貿易協定》,尚待國會批准。




加入史蒂夫·克萊蒙斯(Steve Clemons)和他的小組,討論特朗普的貿易戰是在幫助還是傷害美國人。美國大型公司如何對待其最低工資的工人正在做什麼?經過數十年的外包,特朗普的政策會否帶回美國工作?而且,由於美國中西部的大豆種植者破產和自殺人數上升,這項工作有什麼緩解的方法嗎?

前美國貿易代表卡拉·希爾斯(Carla Hills);美中關係全國委員會委員
華盛頓經濟政策研究所所長Thea Lee AFL-CIO工會聯合會前領導人
詹姆斯·格拉斯曼(James Glassman),前美國公共外交副國務卿;陶氏36,000的作者


  1. Americans have enjoyed very low prices on things they buy, thanks to China. China was buying farm produce, oil, chips, and did not need much else. Now Trump doesn't want to sell them chips, but expects them to buy more. Wow, what a smart man that Trump.

  2. Beginning of the video the interviewer made a mistake said US has 3.1T in exports and 2.5T in imports. It can't be possible with a trade deficit

  3. No such thing as an unfair trade. If it is unfair just cancel the deal. For example, If you think Boeing or Microsoft windows have been treated unfairly just cancel the deal or decouple it.

  4. These are 「experts?」 No mention that there is basically no difference between USMCA and NAFTA. The Mob-Boss-in-Chief had only one goal for negotiations, 「Remove Obama』s name and put mine!」 Everything else is gaslighting and talking points.

  5. Trump still doesn't understand international trade issues. He is still saying that a trade deficit is what China steals from the US each year.
    He brags about how much money is collected in the form of tariffs and gloats that China is paying for it. Navarro is leading him on a wild goose chase.

  6. Open trade is what Trump wants with the CCP. Cant get it without punishing them first. They won't do it willingly. What all these " smart" economists never told people is that manufacturing flees to the country with the lowest labour rates .With a giant whooshing sound that has decimated many. That has destroyed the USA middle class and especially those with lower skills and blue collared.

  7. Agree w Eric Ruijten! Can』t beat China, use bullying tactics Tsk! Tsk! Go produce something the consumers (not just the Chinese but people world over) want & cheaply. Human beings are by nature selfish, will go for the best deal regardless where from.

  8. Finally a sensible discussion. And yes the people needs need to be addressed. However as a comfort to the people, Chinese are not cheaters nor superior. They tend to work hard and efficient. So beat them to it. If you want the gold medal in the Olympics, you can't change the rules, because somebody is better. You can't threaten. You must (self)analyze and just be better. In Holland production comes back from China, because we can do better. Not everything. By enlarge no. But we can do many things as good or better. Cooperate not fight. US credit around the world has plummeted. Nobody likes bullying. So little sympathy for current US policies.

  9. Wow! What an impressive lady Ambassador Carla Hills is… her view on job/role matching & training overhaul is super and I agree about her collaborized trade impact on US China negotiations. However, the concept that any major economy wherever would do a deal with any other nation is low; indeed absolutely zero I』d say until Brexit is settled as no one, absolutely no one would dream of making a move on global trade until they had clarity or a steer on what Britain will do post brexit. You』d be an idiot to risk even inadvertently marginalise yourself of London』s capital flow.

  10. The US tried TPP and failed. Other nations and US allies are not going to listen to the US anymore especially with the current incompetence US president. The Chinese has already predict this scenario is coming and they already made a long term plans on how to deal with this.

  11. Trade imbalance?? The U.S. trade deficit with China was $419 billion in 2018. The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $120 billion while imports from China were $540 billion. What is to reported is that the Corp America made 355 Billions USD in China in 2017. God know how much more in 2018. Also, the Chinese Govt bought US debt. Because of the trade war, China has stopped buying US debt.

  12. I love Carla… She understood the power of alliance. Unfortunately trump make a mistake without nafta backing as the negotiating block with China. China on the other hand has Africa, South East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and the Pacific Island on their block through their one belt one road integration. China is doing not by trade agreement but by logistic infrastructure flow. Once flow start, it will not stop. China strategy is replacing USA market by other global market eventually. Trade is usa invention, but improvise by China to be more tightly integrated with EU, Africa, Asia pacific and South Asia region. China has yet to make strong in road into Latin American Market yet…. Watch out

  13. There were 266,000 jobs created in the last month in the USA and 3.5% unemployment rate…USA is doing Great…Chinese doing so much crying.

  14. USA is EVIL …they don't benefit no one …the WORLD should unite against this nation full of EVIL !!!
    You want an easy solution from China …but USA will NOT change …they expect the World to change and
    benefit US !!!

  15. Free and open trade?…… I do not consider 2 to 5% tariffs on our side and 100+ tariffs on their side "free and open trade".    Especially from  countries which have a vastly lower cost of production than the U.S.  That 100% tariff equal about to 200% when figuring in the cost of production    Are you a corporatist Carla Hills?  You sound like it.

  16. Trump is setting up off shore bank accounts to accept bribes and kickbacks to circumvent his own tariffs. Trump is spreading corruption around the world one industry and even one company at a time. Basically Evil using the power that never dreamed such evil could get where Trump sits

  17. China bribes the under and developing countries directly to corrupt governments』 officers. But in the West, China buy family members of politicians and mainstream media to create fake news and influential entertainment complexes like Hollywood and sporting associations like NBA. Also china has infiltrated Toxic drugs around the world to destroy all society to control and acquisition ..

  18. Since when has Canadian dairy ever been IN the US?? Try going for researched journalism!
    Why is the USMCA discussed here WITH ONLY AMERICAN COMMENTATORS??
    What about representatives from the other 2 countries!
    F**k the USMCA!

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