Qassem Soleimani遇害案:特朗普準備好從伊拉克撤軍了嗎?

伊朗最高軍事指揮官卡西姆·索萊馬尼(Qassem Soleimani)在美國空襲伊拉克首都巴格達時喪生。
伊拉克總理阿德爾·阿卜杜勒·馬赫迪(Adel Abdul Mahdi)表示,整個地區都在產生分歧。美國的襲擊將導致一場毀滅性的戰爭。
半島電視台的高級政治分析師Marwan Bishara與我們一起在演播室討論最新動態。


#Iraq #QassemSoleimani#US-IranTensions。

  1. Pray for Trump and his family, Holy Spirit keep them safe and strong as they fight those who want to destroy us.

  2. so sad all those men crying like babies…..they should go join him wherever he is now and we can send them some help to do it if they ask for it.

  3. Look the US killed a Iranian scientist for not coming to US to work with Them, then what happens he is eliminated! The US are Nothing but punks! An eye for an if u ask me!

  4. You mess with Americans you will pay by your life Iranian leaders and Iranians generals
    I'm glad one of the Iranian general was killed and burned alive for messing with an american embassy

    Death, death and more death for the Iranian leader and Iranians generals

    By a true Korean American

  5. Trump needs a reason to nuke Iran and distracf the news spin from his
    impeachment. As soon as Iran reacts POOF…Nukes-R-U.S. and Tehran will
    be vaporized.

  6. Whole america is not devil… but the people in power is.
    America too has good people , hope they are protected now.
    Trump admisitration planted a seed of hatred leading world to a War..!!! Shame on you

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