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  1. Taiwan was Austronesian (southeast Asian) until the Dutch and Portuguese opened it up to immigrants from China in the 17th century. Then Taiwan and China were together for 251 years under the Qing dynasty. Then Japan ruled Taiwan for 50 years, and after that, the ROC lost the Chinese civil war and fled from China to Taiwan, which it controls today. So historically, Taiwan and (non-communist) China were only together for 251 years, and to this day the CCP has never even set foot in the country of Taiwan.

  2. Many fake accounts on foreign social media flat forms trying to influence this election and endorsed a particular candidate. CI @ already had this election in the bag as they have pour in millions of dollars to endorse their favorite candidate on social media. Tw Intelligence really fail the tw people and this election is a total fraud.

  3. Haha foreign influence left their traces everywhere. This election is a fraud, CI @ already bought their favorite candidate. Fraud fraud fraud tw intelligence failed to keep the public safe from foreign interference and a clean campaign.

  4. Sweet mother of Jesus the propaganda in this news report is sickening. Where is someone talking from the pro-democracy side in Taiwan. I can't believe anyone would eat this nationalistic crap.

  5. Tsai is a beautiful pavilion lapdog of Japan and USA. Pray that she'll not win this election. China is welcoming her to reunion with the motherland.

  6. I think it is time for Taiwan to come home, they have a lot more to gain in the long term; not to mention peace and prosperity. Put an end to the days when the west can harm and divide all Chinese. All Chinese would benefit so much more with a united China.

  7. Of course, Tsai will win… because she is a wily fox who is playing on the fears of the Taiwan people… But her anti-China stance will only bring more economic hardship and uncertaintly to the island… And she is stupid if she thinks that America will come to her aid in a military conflict with China…….

  8. Judging by the polls, it will be Tsai. KMT had a lead but Tsai rode the wave of the HK riots and will use them to portray China as a threat for the 'democracy' on the island. We all know how the politicians spin their narratives and the sheep just blindly follow.

  9. CGTN should hire people like Rick Sanchez that can make the show more interesting to watch, the only person that is interesting is Mr. Tangen who can talk clearly

  10. about the ONLY good thing tsai did was hosting the biggest pride parade. Taiwan's economy is a joke under her. wages haven't rised in 2 decades while cost of living skyrockets year after year. under her, taiwans allies also shrunk. she also blew billions of dollars buying useless weapons instead of putting in maintaining infrastructures as we all see the bridge collapsed from lack of maintenance.

  11. U.S. military could't even defeat an itty bitty Vietnam; therefore, if there is a war between China against U.S./Taiwan, there is NO DOUBT in my mind who will be the Victor: CHINA!!! However, China is Super Smart!! China understands the "Art of War" written by the great Chinese General & an intelligent Philosopher SunTze who said that War is only the LAST RESORT! China can WIN over Taiwan through Hearts & Minds!

  12. If Tsai wins, I see her breaking away from China since USA is now trying to contain China. She will.definitely move towards confrontation with USA backing.

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