
12月2日-Cobank首席執行官湯姆·哈爾弗森(Tom Halverson)討論了中美貿易戰和產品關稅如何影響美國農民。他與彭博(Bloomberg)的大衛·威斯汀(David Westin)談「權力的平衡」。

  1. Absolute hypocrits. Conservative farmers collecting communist goverment support payments. The only people left in those areas are old conservatives collecting their "socialist" security checks. No jobs so most of the young people are gone.

  2. Tariffs are stupid.
    Trump is stupid to use the trade war to show off.
    Farmers should come out in strength and protest with their tractors etc in a convoy to the WH. Trump is not taking the farmers complaints seriously.

  3. So much emphasis is put on the farmer and the pathetic "subsidy relief package" that Trump has presented to reduce the impact of his Trade War. I challenge two things….Government farmer subsidies are a bandage remedy to a long term marketing strategy program toward selling to the largest worldwide consumer. Why would they once again trust a US contract performance when we have allowed a "temperamental" POTUS to represent us? More importantly, and of a larger impact to our economy, what about the effect to our entire US Supply Chain???? Last checked, we represent almost 2/3 of US jobs…. Doubt it? We are the port. rails, truckers. warehouse. infrastructure of our economy. I challenge anyone to show that these trade wars help us. No doubt, we need to fight trademark and copyright infringement, but to the detriment to our entire US infrastructure economy? Surely there s a better way

  4. "Market facilitation payment" = "transfer payments" = "welfare" Its amazing the creative phrases used to avoid the word "welfare" as it applies to farmers. I wonder why so much efforts is used? Hmmm….?

  5. Trump is a Russian agent. Selling USA farmer contracts that use to go to china and around the world are now going to and thru Russia. Russian wheat, Russian soybeans and more are supplying what our farmers set up in generations of difficult work and trade.

    As a real-estate man Trump only understands land for one thing.Trump understands skyscrapers and land development… that is the opposite of farm land.

  6. Blame your government. Don't blame China. Want trade but start trade war. Stupid isn't it? Your trade policy shrink world economy trading with Protection policy.. No more globalization? You ask for it. You deserve what you ask for. Don't be a farmer. Be somebody else. Because your government doesn't want you to be farmers.

  7. Do you ever hear a farmer talk about the amount of property tax they pay
    farms are rock bottom cheapest taxes there are….. and they get paid for not growing crops
    under circumstances…..NOW THINK OF CROP INSURANCE backed by the government…..

  8. Farmers not sick or limping why must need to rely on the government, they're strong n healthy of course they want an active market for them to build happiness n harmony by their own hands.

  9. Farmers need to go broke like every other business person instead of relying on Welfare payments (transfer payments from my pocket). It's been going on since the 1930's.

  10. You reap what you sow.. ! When you vote for someone to kickoff an "easy win" trade war, you get to become the collateral damage!! What goes around comes around.. !!!

  11. I don't think wall street like Bloomberg care about farmers at all, they care only for their profit. But they do love to use farmers to help China. Tell me, shall we continue opening our market freely to China? Shall we ship more jobs to China? Shall we allow China to steal our IP, copy our products, and eventually destroy the remaining American manufacturing? Shall we allow China to make more money at the cost of Americans so they can challenge us, defeat us, as they have hoped all along? We made mistakes to help China becoming this strong, now we are paying the price. Wall street has been the major culprit in this fiasco, now they want us to surrender to China? Trump collected $100B in tariffs, giving some to farmers, so we can become free of Chinese goods, it's worth it.

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